Manny Montana is an American actor best known for his role as Johnny Turturro on Graceland. Born in Long Beach, California, he is a first-generation Mexican-American. He acted in many student films and guest-starred in a few television series after graduating from college in 2006. It wasn’t until 2012 that Montana got his big break and was cast in the hit television drama, Graceland.
Since the show only lasted three seasons, you might be wondering what other films or series you can see his memorable and charming face in. So here’s a list of some of Manny Montana’s other roles.
The Many Roles of Manny Montana

Rio in The Good Girls
One of his most notable roles outside of Graceland would be Christopher, more commonly known as Rio, in the well-known crime comedy-drama television series The Good Girls. That’s right, the lovable face of Johnny Turturro can also be the face of the infamous gangster – talk about the duality of man.
Rio is, overall, a very complex character that has many facets and qualities. He’s good, and he’s bad. But the fact that Manny Montana has managed to capture all of the character’s complexities perfectly with his acting is something that demands respect and has impressed many of the show’s fans.
Franklin “Frankie” Cruz in Conviction
In 2016, Manny Montana was cast in ABC’s legal drama television series, Conviction. He plays the role of Frankie, an ex-con who works for the CIU as its forensic technician. Though the show only aired for one season, it’s easy to acknowledge Montana’s incredible acting talent as he takes on a complicated character that suffers internally through his memories of incarceration while striving to solve difficult science-based mysteries.
Javier Junior in the “Pops” episode of Lucifer
One of Montana’s smaller parts he has played, yet certainly worth noting, is the role of Javier Junior. The main focus of the episode surrounds the murder case of Javier Junior. However, the character doesn’t actually appear on-screen much throughout the episode, but the scenes where his character is shown were noticeably well-acted-out by Manny Montana. His overall performance, however short, was certainly something that has left viewers wanting to see more of him.
Logan in I Hate The Man In My Basement
When desperate times call for desperate measures, the very extremes of morality can be completely shattered. That is what happens in I Hate The Man In My Basement when the grieving and vengeful Claude decides to kidnap Logan, the man who murdered his wife. Manny Montana brilliantly plays the role of Logan in the thriller drama. His performance simply feels incredibly real and unbelievably raw with all of the right qualities and emotions.
Manny Montana’s Voice-over Endeavours
That’s right – not only is Manny Montana an incredibly talented actor, but he is also charmingly skilled at voice-over.
The voice of Zeno in Miles from Tomorrowland
Zeno doesn’t actually have a live-action image, but the role of Zenith’s onboard sentient computer in Disney’s animated children’s series, Miles from Tomorrowland, is a very important aspect of the show’s ongoing plot. During the show’s three seasons, Montana was able to create a character full of depth as the computer voice of the starship Zenith while also showing an impressive amount of skill in a variety of scenarios, environments, and types of media.
The voice of Felix Alvarro in L.A. Noire
Surprisingly, Manny Montana’s most notable voice-over role is actually in the video game, L.A. Noire. The game is not widely well-known. However, its atmosphere and quality are still enjoyed by many devoted gamers that have always had a passion for all things related to detectives and their tedious yet rewarding careers.
Set in the relatively distant past of the mid-20th century, L.A. Noire has a variety of fascinating characters, among which is Felix Alvaro, voiced by Montana. His character plays a critical role in the game’s “Manifest Destiny” Vice case. Through this role, Montana demonstrates his versatility as a professional in all realms of entertainment.
More About Manny Montana’s Wife
Adelfa Marr was born Adelfa E Peralta sometime in 1992. Adelfa has worked as a freelance writer, life coach, and blogger. She writes about sex, being a mother, self-care, race, and more as a staff writer for the publication 21Ninety. Adelfa is a talented writer and has been published on several sites.
Adelfa focuses on remote life coaching with her website You will find everything from blogs, beauty and skincare tips, recommended music playlists, and a lot more on her site. Even though she isn’t known as an actress, Adelfa Marr did make a brief guest appearance on her husband Manny Montana’s series Good Girls as Dylan.
A Closer Look at Manny Montana’s Marriage
Manny Montana and his wife Adelfa Marr play things close to the vest regarding their relationship and personal lives. But a few details have come out over the years.
The couple began dating sometime back in 2015 and married privately at some point in 2016. The ceremony was so private and secretive that it wasn’t made public that the couple had wed till 2018. Continuing with the theme of secrecy, Manny and Adelfa have one son together. The couple has remained steadfast in keeping their private lives private, so there is not a lot known about their child except that he was born sometime in 2017.
The happy couple hasn’t been shy about talking about their intense love for each other. Both profess the other as their best friend and as the love of their lives. Manny has had this to say in past interviews:
“I’m married to my best [expletive] friend. She’s my [expletive] rock. It’s so funny, man, you always wish you find that ideal marriage, whatever that means to you, and you want it, but in the back of your mind, you think it’s far-fetched. I found that [expletive], man. We do everything together. She’s sacrificed so much for me, she gave me my beautiful baby, and we’re just family it up!”
Adelfa feels exactly the same way. She has stated on her blog that the couple has pledged to be each other’s best friend. She has also said that the couple will fight for each other and will do anything for each other in any way possible. Adelfa has said the feelings between her and husband Manny Montana feel magical!
Manny Montana the Father
Fatherhood seems to agree with Manny. He has described the feelings he has for his son as an “endless love,” even saying there is no other love than the love you have for your child. Manny admits that, yes, it gets hard at times being a father, but hopes that the experiences he has with his son translate to other areas of his and wife Adelfa’s lives and makes them better people.
Manny Montana has come a long way since his days on the football field. Life has taken him in a direction he did not fully expect. But, the brilliant actor has a passion for his craft, family, and life that radiates off of him. Manny and his wife Adelfa seemingly have a love and marriage that others only dream of. Here’s hoping for nothing but the best for Manny and his family!
The Future Looks Bright for Manny Montana
There’s no denying the fact that Manny Montana has brought us many wonderfully-crafted performances in any role he’s been cast, leaving us wanting more. Since he is fluent in Spanish, his bilingual abilities have opened up a wide variety of brightly shining opportunities in his past and that advantage will surely do the same in his future. Not all actors are capable of doing what he does with a character, including bringing every single role he has played on-screen and in animation to life, but he manages to do it all with such confidence and eloquence. With his level of talent, we are bound to see much more of Manny Montana in the future.
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