When we are younger it can be very difficult to tell if we are just acting on behalf of our hormones and our young flames and passions or whether we are actually hooked on the real thing. For older women, however, the differences will be far more profound. Here are 15 things that only more mature women would know about love and sex.
It Is More Than A Means For Pleasure
First and foremost, an older person would know that sex is more than just a means for pleasure. We may have plenty of friends that we share some of our darkest secrets, but when you have sex with someone, you are opening yourself up to that person in a way that is just unparalleled.
Love Is Not Just a Feeling, It is a Choice
An older person will know that love is not just something that you feel for a person, because those things are fleeting and temporary, but real love is a conscious and intellectual decision. You may not feel the butterflies in your stomach when you see that person the way you used to, but you know deep inside that you simply cannot be without him.
Real Love Will Outlast Sex
On the same note as the previous point, anyone can have sex. Not everyone will choose to be with a person if sex is taken out of the equation. If you have met someone like that, that person might be for keeps.
Sex With Only One Partner Is More Pleasurable
When we are young, we tend to boast about having a high body count, and that someone having sex with many different people makes us feel validated and important. For older women, they know that this is not the case and having only one partner is far better.
You Are Not Meant To Be Ready
When it comes to love and sex, young people will often ponder about when they will ever be ready. Older women will know that you are not meant to be ready. You just have to trust your gut.
Love Comes In Different Forms
Older women will be far more adept at telling different types of love apart. How a familiar love can be different from erotic love, for example.
True Attraction Outlasts Physical Infatuation
When we are younger, we are far more visual when it comes to finding a partner for sex. Older people will know that beyond just physical attraction, having sex with someone that you are truly transmitting on the same wavelength with is more important.
Forbidden Sex May Not Be Better Afterall
Older people will know that forbidden sex, such as those in extramarital affairs, is not the way to go and that being intimate and truthful go like cheese and wine.
Trial and Error Works
Older people would be very refined when it comes to finding a greater sense of eroticism. Having sex in the bed with all the usual positions may be great, but older people know how to take it further.
Intimacy Is Deeply Human
This one may be a little bit more philosophical, but older people will know that too long for intimacy is one of the true tenets of human nature that highlights our most innate mammalian instinct.
Revisiting Familiar Places Can Revive Old Flames
Remember that barn over there with the fat stacks of hay inside it? You enjoyed that spot when you were younger, you may want to revisit it again to relive the experience.
Always Let Each Other Finish
Younger people tend to be more selfish when it comes to sex. They climax and then they’re done. Finishing together is an experience that is far more intimate and far more enjoyable.
Sex While Already Having Kids Requires Creativity
Intimacy may be a little bit more difficult with kids around. Older people know all the right spots of the house.
Hidden Erogenous Zones
Older people have more experience with sex, they will know how to stimulate the human body through more spots than just the usual.
It Is Called Making Love For A Reason
Lastly, older women will know what it really means to make love. You are not just having sex, you are doing the activities that could potentially result in you having your own family. A family to care for and a family to love. Older people would know that through sex you are making a family — deeply and importantly making love.
It takes very refined individuals to separate love, infatuation, and just plain naughtiness. We have all experienced each and every one of these things growing up when we had that girlfriend or boyfriend in high school that we were certain was going to be the one. Good sex aside, finding the one, as older women are very much aware of — just takes a little bit of patience.
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