Morning Meditation is a rising wellness trend. In fact, as someone who struggles with anxiety, I can attest to the incredible stress reduction associated with meditation.
However, it can be difficult to actually get in a routine of meditation practice. Some wonder if they are doing right- I know I did when I first started.
The point isn’t to see if you can tune out the mental noise in your head. The whole purpose is to take a few minutes out of your already hectic day to be in stillness.
For me, an early morning meditation helps my day, allowing me to let go (even if just for a moment) all the control that I tend to clutch so tightly. By meditating I get to show up as a better person, daughter, co-worker, girlfriend, and friend.
Benefits of Meditation
Life Is Stressful
We all have crazy stress in our lives. Whether it’s our family drama, work pressure, or relationship stress, it can begin to take a massive toll on how we feel and live our lives.
In fact, it’s important to take some me-time to allow yourself to give your brain some rest from all the stress. And this is exactly where meditation comes in.
When you sit down to meditate you allow your mind to be free. You can witness all the thoughts swirling in your head, but you don’t feed into them.
A great technique I was taught once had to do with focusing on deep breathing. It’s a great way to let your mind relax- even for a short 5 minutes and thus helps muscle relaxation.
There Is No Right Way To Meditate
I used to be precious about how and when I meditated. Now, living in a busy city like New York, I can’t always meditate in the morning at my apartment.
Sometimes I do an active meditation where I listen to a guided meditation while running around Central Park. Other days, I meditate while on the toilet.
No matter where I am I make sure to find the time to put on the headphones and listen to a guided meditation.
See Also: Is Anxiety Screwing up Your Digestive System?
The Day Just Feels Better
Just like people gravitate to their morning cup of joe, I gravitate to the floor to experience a less than five-minute meditation every morning. This is my personal way to start the day off on the right foot.
Whatever is going on in my world, knowing I have a meditation waiting for me before I hit the world in the morning is a great way for me to feel stable. Otherwise, when I skip a meditation I feel out of whack.
Things don’t feel right and I can easily be in an agitated state. Meditation brings calmness and happiness to those who choose to practice it.
Give meditation a chance. It can really change the way you approach the world in your daily life. This simple practice can have a massive shift in the way you perceive the word- all for the better. If you are hesitant to try it out, start off slow.
The beauty with meditation is that it doesn’t force you to rush the process. Take even just one minute out of your day to sit in stillness. If you want, find a one-minute song or set a timer to one-minute and just close your eyes. That’s it.
You are meditating. You are bound to see the effects as soon as you open your eyes! And if not, continue trying. At the end of the day, meditation is a practice.
That means you might not see the results immediately. You’ll have to keep trying every day until one day, you get it!