It’s weird when people ask me how I met my guy. My response is always: I work with him. Immediately people look confused. “So where do you work now?” is often something people ask and others simply say “how do you do it?”
Turns out, it’s a lot easier than you think. It probably helps that we met at the office so we’ve been working together even before we were ever a thing. While some assume that seeing your significant other would be annoying or too much, that’s not the case at all for us. In fact, working together has actually made us stronger- but it does come with its share of unique features.
There are still things we have to be conscious of so we continue to maintain our connection. Here is how you can make it work with your partner if you, like me, spend your 9-5 with them.
Maintain Established Boundaries
When it comes to working with your S.O., boundaries are key. In fact, just because we chose to cross the line from
But, that doesn’t mean that we can’t use all that pent-up emotion once we get back home.
We Laugh, A Lot
I don’t know whether I fell in love with my guy’s sense of humor first or not, but it definitely keeps me interested. In fact, laughter is the hallmark of our relationship. Before we got together we sat next to each other and would just talk about stuff. We went to college in a similar state, grew up around the same area, have similar interests and opinions, and also I laugh at his jokes.
From all those connections day in and day out, it was inevitable that we’d get together. And now that we are together, spending time with one another is our favorite thing to do. It really doesn’t matter. Even being stuck in an office talking about work is still 8 hours that I get to spend with my best friend- and that is something I will never take for granted.
Our Work Benefits From Our Relationship
Because we are such great communicators (him more than me), we are able to freely discuss work topics with one another without getting mad. If there is something difficult that needs to be addressed about anything going on with our work, there is no pressure to say something in the right way. We can just speak our truth knowing that this is our work selves.
Because we truly know who we are when we are out of the office there is absolutely no holding things against anyone when it comes to our work. We also try really hard to keep our work out of the house (unless we are working from home together).
Although it can be difficult to see your partner everyday, especially when you are feeling less than stellar, it really does work. On those days when I am having a bad hair day or just feel extra bloated, my guy is there to welcome me with a smile and tell me how beautiful I am. Who wouldn’t want that every day?
Being in a healthy relationship will still come with its challenges and we still have our ups and downs. But at the end of the day, we definitely enjoy more ups than downs and it’s all thanks to our office playing matchmaker!