The first weeks and months of dating are fun. You go out, have sex, and everything just feels right. However, many people get comfortable in the fun parts of dating and forget to talk about the serious parts. We’re talking about making the relationship official where the both of you commit to each other and look forward to the future.
It’s hard to know when to make things official, so we’re here to help you out. If you find yourself going through these things with your boo, it’s time to get serious and make your relationship official.
He Plans Dates Often

No one wants to be the girl that’s always asking their boo to hang out. If he asks you out often without you hounding him about it, then he’s a keeper. This shows that he actually likes spending time with you and you’re his priority. Once you’ve gotten to the point where the two of you see each other every day or every other day, then it’s time to make the relationship official.
You Meet Each Other’s Friends

After you meet his friends and he meets yours, it’s the perfect time to make things official. If he felt comfortable introducing you to some of the most important people in his life, then that means he plans on keeping you around. Make a connection with his friends so they’ll be on board with sharing their friend with you.
It’s also great if your friends like your potential boyfriend. There’s nothing worse than bringing your man around and your friends snarling at him the whole time. If your girls like your man, your relationship will start and stay healthy.
You Spend More Of The Night Talking Than Having Sex

Sex is a wonderful way to be intimate, but it’s not the only way to show someone you care about them. Getting to know each other on a deeper level is the best kind of intimacy. When he can talk to you the whole night without thinking about sex, then you know he cares more about being with you than taking your clothes off. If he asks you questions about your hopes and dreams, lock him down, girl!
He Buys You Tampons

It takes courage to buy tampons for a girl. A lot of men are grossed out by the idea of women bleeding from their lady bits, so they don’t want to go near anything related to periods. If your boo will go to the store and buy you tampons or a heating pad when you need them, then it’s definitely time to make the relationship official.
You Feel Comfortable Taking Your Makeup Off In Front Of Him

As women, we feel the need to look beautiful all the time. This means shaving almost daily, wearing the right clothes or lingerie to accentuate your body, and putting on tons of makeup. When you’ve gotten to the point you can be yourself and show your bare face, then the dating stage is over. You’re completely comfortable with him and can be promoted to girlfriend.
He Takes You To Work Events

It’s holiday season. That means holiday parties and events to go to. If your boo is already talking about bringing you along with him to his work events, then he wants to show you off to his coworkers and boss. You’re finally important enough to meet the person that signs his checks. That’s a big deal!
He’s All You Think About

Do you find yourself thinking about him at all times of the day? Then you know he’s more than just a fling. When you can’t wait for the next date, you’ve got it bad girl. At this stage, talk to him about how you’re feeling and ask him what he’s feeling as well. If you’re both on the same page, then get serious and start that commitment.