Working from home as a mom can be fantastic. You get to spend enough time with your family and not have to worry about your office or coworkers. While working from home as a mom can be rewarding and fulfilling, things can get stressful quickly if you don’t find a balance between your work, family, and other activities.
A work-from-home mom will usually find that they have a lot of things to do at once. Staying professional while attending to a client with a screaming toddler in the background takes some skill and practice. If you are just starting as a work-from-home mom, the first few weeks before you settle into a routine might be tedious, making you doubt whether you are cut out for the whole thing.
Fortunately, you can live a balanced life as a work-from-home mom if you take deliberate steps to optimize your day and routine. Here are five tips to help work from home moms mind the balance they need:
Practice Proper Time Management
Time management is a skill that working from home requires. Like many other skills, mastering time management takes time and practice. The ever-changing demands of your job and kids mean you have to adapt and alter your time management frequently. Some ideas for managing your time properly as a work from home mom include:
Setting a Schedule
Having a set schedule lets you and your family know when you’ll be working and when you have time for other stuff. It is easier to get work done and save time when you have a list of actions to perform.
Scheduling your tasks around naptime is usually one the easiest ways to get stuff done with minimal disruptions.
Learn to Multitask
Working moms must learn the art of multitasking. Being able to do multiple things at once saves time, streamlines your day, and helps you become more effective. It is crucial to know how to multitask, so you don’t have many uncompleted tasks at the end of the day.
Be Flexible
While it is ideal to set and stick to a schedule, work-from-home moms must make room for changes in routine for times when things don’t go according to plan. Kids can become ill or need extra attention on some days, so you have to be creative to get stuff done when such circumstances arise.
Take Advantage of Tools
Time management tools like time trackers, email autoresponders, and other applications can also help work-from-home moms become more efficient. Shared calendars and project timelines also help you be on the same page as your clients and coworkers.

Get Insurance
People often gloss over their insurance when it comes to working from home. However, when you have kids running around in a home that doubles as an office, accidents may happen, and your insurance will help offset the financial liabilities that you may incur.
Personal liability insurance provides coverage for claims of bodily injuries of guests and property damage for which you may be held responsible. If your kids have friends over and someone gets injured, or they throw an object that damages a neighbor’s property, you may be legally responsible for damages incurred. You should speak to your insurance carrier about personal liability insurance coverage if it is not already in your homeowner’s insurance policy.
Create a Dedicated Workspace
Focus is an essential requirement for efficiency and maximum productivity as a work-from-home mom. Having a dedicated workspace gets you into work mode and optimizes your concentration. It also lets your kids and partner understand your work/home boundaries.
Organize your work area so you don’t have to worry about looking for stuff. Your workspace does not have to be elaborate; you can use things you already have, like your dining chair and table lamp. Depending on your baby’s age, you can also set a play space for your child to play, color, or do other kids’ stuff.

Take Needed Breaks
Combining work and being a mom is a demanding task, and you should schedule breaks. Working in an office allows you to naturally enjoy breaks and light moments with coworkers. However, working from home does not afford such pleasures, and it is up to you to create time for breaks and time off work.
Walk around your house or neighborhood, speak to neighbors, or take a walk with your kid. Sitting in front of a screen all day can be draining, especially when you have to combine it with being a mum. Regular outdoor breaks allow you to recharge your batteries and enhance your productivity.
It also helps to create moments when you don’t work or tend to your kids. You may schedule special times when it’s just about you. Join a yoga class, dine at a fancy restaurant, or do anything that takes your mind off work or being a mom. Creating these special moments for yourself can make the work-from-home mom experience less stressful and more fulfilling.
Get Help
On some days, the job will be overwhelming, and you’ll need some help. Do not shy away from reaching out when that happens. Trying to do everything yourself can end up being counterproductive. Speak to your significant other or close friends about how you are feeling. You will be surprised at how much people are willing to help.
There may be days when your work requires all of your time. Consider getting an extra hand, like a part-time caregiver, to help you keep an eye on your kid on such days. A caregiver will also come in handy on days when you need to take some personal time off.
Final Words
Working from home as a mom takes a lot out of you, but you get to enjoy priceless, quality family time. Kids grow up quickly, so you want to enjoy every moment with them and strengthen bonds before they fly the coop. Using these tips can help you make your work-from-home mom experience an adventure with beautiful, lasting memories.