As women, we want to feel like total goddesses in bed. We want to be complimented on our bodies and performance. And, we also want to be getting the pleasure we deserve. So, in order to ‘feel hot’ in the sheets, dirty talk is often incorporated into the sexual experience.
Now, there is no denying that dirty talk, when you’re getting nasty with your partner is hot AF. But, is it all about the kinkiness of it? Or, is there a deeper connection being formed between the brain and the body?
Here is why dirty talk works so well and what it can do for your relationship.
The Science
When sex is the hot topic of conversation, it gets your body stimulated by activating the parts of the brain that correspond with sexual desire. You don’t even have to be in the bedroom for this to start happening. It could be over text or a call on the phone. Or even, whispered into your ear while you’re shopping with your boo at the supermarket (never do this near the milk or bread- I strongly recommend the ethnic aisle, it’s more erotic).
The brain is considered a sexual organ; even more sexual than our Vs and Ds because they are in charge of how we respond to sexual suggestions. Dirty words build a bridge between the mind and the body to allow it to get excited and ready to play.
According to Daryl Cioffi who specializes in sex and neuropsychology, the exchange of sexual words is an act that encapsulates the body and the mind, which increases the pleasure of the overall experience.
Cioffi explains:
People very much enjoy dirty talking because it activates all regions of your brain while your body is also getting stimulated. Similar areas of the brain are touched upon during dirty talk as when we curse. So, very often as your brain sees it, the dirtier the better.
You’ll Feel Sexy
Talking dirty to your boo thang in the sheets is definitely going to make you feel super sexy. It breaks down your ‘good girl’ complex and allows you to embrace your inner bad girl. So, you stop feeling like innocent Sandy from Grease and start feeling a little more Rizzo, smoking cigs, cutting class, and making out under the bleachers.
Saying naughty phrases to your partner also allows you to feel in control of your sexual experience. You don’t have to be a complete dominatrix -however, NYGal gives you total permission to do so. But, by telling your partner what you like and what feels good will guide the sex in the right direction.
It’s also totally hot to hear your babe whisper dirty things back to you. So, definitely encourage him to participate in the fun! Knowing that you are putting on a good show and performing well is a total turn-on, which will get you even hotter and make you feel much more confident.
You’ll Create A Stronger Connection
The connection that is formed while dirty talking is unmatched. When you are dirty talking, you and your partner are being extremely vulnerable
Dirty talking also allows you to communicate more fluidly with your significant other. In life, perhaps this is useful to disclose how you feel about a decision that they made.
And, in bed it allows you to let your partner know what works for you and what doesn’t. This will only help to increase your pleasure in the sheets and form a well-built intimate connection.
It’s also a great tool for learning what you’re comfortable with. And, what you are so not about! By letting your partner know what you’re not into, you’re giving them the chance to respect your choices and find new ways to satisfy you.
It Invites Sexual Fantasies Into The Bedroom
By beginning a dirty talking sesh with your bae, it opens up the possibility of trying something new and exciting.
Maybe there are some things that you have never told your partner that you secretly fantasize about. Or, if you are secret-free, you may find that by talking actively together when you’re doing the nasty you’ll stumble upon something that equally excites the both of you.
See what comes out of it! Dirty talking is completely versatile and leads to a lot of experimentation. So, keep pushing your limits to find out just how good the sex can get between you and your partner.