An American sitcom created by Dan Harmon, Community, ran for 110 episodes over six seasons. Its first five seasons were aired on NBC, while the final season streamed on Yahoo! Screen. It is set at a community college in Greendale, a fictional Colorado town, where Brie Larson appeared as Rachel!
Community boasts a star-studded cast comprising Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs, Danny Pudi, Alison Brie, Donald Glover, Yvette Nicole Brown, Ken Jeong, Chevy Chase, and Jim Rash. The sitcom made its way into the hearts of countless viewers with its meta-humor and pop culture references. It also paid a tribute of sorts to several cliches and tropes from movies and television alike.
Brie Larson’s Stint with Community
Brie Larson was already a familiar name of sorts as Captain Marvel when she forayed into the world of TV and movies with an array of diverse roles. The skilled performer soon turned out to be a rising star.nd Before she knew it, she was an integral part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With so many fans revisiting Community on Netflix these days, she has regained prominence amongst them.
Larson made her first appearance in Community when the show was in its fourth season. The eighth episode of the season, titled Herstory of Dance, showed Rachel’s character. Rachel meets Abed, played by Danny Pudi, within the faculty coat test room. At that time, the school’s dueling Sadie Hawkin’s and Sophie B. Hawkin’s dances were on.
Abed was shown to change his outfits to impress completely different dates constantly. He then visits the coatroom. The duo has a chat while managing his costume adjustments. After a few brief moments of intimacy, Abed gets Rachel to ask him out following a grand gesture. Season 5 shows Abed reconnecting with Rachel. The couple formally gets into their courtship this season. She appeared in the episodes VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing and Analysis of Cork-Based Networking.
Small Role Huge Impact
Though Brie Larson made an appearance only on three episodes of Community, she managed to leave a long-lasting impression on viewers. Hers was the only new character that fans requested showrunner Dan Harmon to bring back in Season 5. Harmon revealed in a 2014 interview with Hitflix as to why he zeroed in on Larson. According to him, even though she had limited availability for shooting, she was the perfect pick for the present and the position.
He was glad to have Larson on the show, but what’s even more heartening to know is that Brie Larson, on her part, loved the experience too!
In a 2013 interview with the Huffington Post, she said that working on the series made her feel absolutely at home. Larson added that it felt different, like the difference between hosting a dinner and getting to be a guest at a family dinner. Harmon feels that she was “magical” in her appearance in the fourth season. Even without saying anything and just wearing a pair of glasses and a wig on a mop handle, she can radiate a different kind of energy altogether; that’s typical of Brie Larson.
With Community streaming on Netflix right now, many viewers are discovering that Brie Larson is in the show. Consequently, social media is flooded with messages of surprise and excitement.
An Artist Par Excellence
Known for her stellar performances in movies such as Short Term 12, The Spectacular Now, Trainwreck, Room, Kong: Skull Island, and many more, Brie Larson also made her directorial debut in 2017 with the independent comedy-drama Unicorn Store. Her portrayal of a kidnapping victim in the 2015 release Room won her the Academy Award for Best Actress.
Her name features amongst the 100 most influential people in the world in 2019 by Time magazine and has a Primetime Emmy Award and a Golden Globe to her credit. The initial phase of her career was marked by supporting roles in comedies when she was a teenager. Still, eventually, Brie Larson went on to establish herself as a talented lead actor both in independent films and big-budget blockbusters.
While several elements from the fourth season of Community were not carried over into the last couple of seasons, Brie Larson was one of the few fresh characters that made its way into the showrunner’s return. If you’ve followed the show closely, you must have cherished her part in it!
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