Aries (March 21-April 19)
Aries, this whole month is about ‘out with the old and in with the new’! Now, I’m not saying dump him…but like, you were thinking it, right? He’s pretty clingy and even though you LOVE attention- that is so NOT your type.
When the wondrous Sun enters Leo on July 22, you will come to a clear decision about your current relationship, fling, whatever you’re calling it. Your flirting game is on point this weekend, so don’t be afraid to try a taste of something fresh. Switching it up between partners is good for your fiery soul.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Taur, it’s the start of Leo season and when it connects with Jupiter it puts you in a very social mood. Don’t let this go to waste!
Take this weekend to stay out late, dance it up, and drink all the vodka. I guarantee you’ll meet someone smokin’ hot if you get yourself out there. He won’t be your Prince Charming, but he will definitely please you in the bedroom, or the kitchen, or the bathroom- wherever you two decide to get it on! Hey, no one said Taurus had to behave; It is summer after all!
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Little Gem, this weekend will have you making arrangements and plans to screw, but seriously stop overbooking yourself. Dylan, Jeff, and Pierre are all free, but that doesn’t mean you have to see all three of them every single weekend! Please learn how to play hard to get. He shouldn’t know you’re always available.
Also, it’s time you chose wisely who you let into your V on a semi-regular basis. A couple of these guys are dead-weight and there is no need to keep them around anymore.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Yo, Cancer, you’ve been questioning your self-worth A LOT lately and it’s taking a toll on your ability to perform in the sheets. No one is happy about this. Like, for real. Your V feels like a desert, honestly.
Lucky for you, on the 22nd Venus connects with Jupiter which will boost your esteem and have you feeling oh so flirty and…well not so dry! This is the perfect weekend to finally make the leap with the person you’ve been talking to. If you don’t say how you feel, they won’t know. This important conversation will lead to some mind-blowing sex- don’t screw it up!
Leo (July 23-August 22)
Leo season begins on July 22 and you’re feelin’ yourself, obviously! Be yourself, treat yourself, and live your life. This is the month when you should not care about people’s judgments!
When you go out this weekend you’ll be feeling extremely playful. Some banter with a cutie down the bar will definitely turn into an all-night love-sesh. Don’t miss him or you’ll be crawling into bed alone at 3 AM.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Ok, Virgo, you’re such a loner sometimes, and this weekend is no different. Your partner is driving you mad and instead of going out with your friends, you’re acting like a grandma and watching Netflix on your couch.
Put down the Halo Top, Virgo, and GTFO of your apartment. The dance floor is waiting for you and this partner you’re sulking over is so not worth it. You’re smart and hot AF- embrace it!
Libra (September 23-October 22)
You’re getting your shit together, Libra! Good for you! You’re finally communicating with your partner about your needs in bed, and he’s really listening. Awww, how sweet, a man who listens- so rare!
To celebrate, have a romantic evening under the stars, toast with some champagne, and make beautiful love all night long.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Scorpio, baby, your reputation is HOT right now. Everyone is trying to get a piece of that ass, but you’re standing strong and holding out for the right one- smart.
However, feel free to have a little fun this weekend with the guy you KNOW won’t stick around for morning coffee. Everyone needs a little every now and then and your V is getting a little cranky from lack of D.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Sagittarius, you’re wanting to take it out of the bedroom this weekend and into public with this handsome stud you’ve been seeing. That’s great, but make sure HE feels the same way.
If not, girl, drop his ass. A man who doesn’t want to be seen with a sexy Sag is lame, weak, and so not worth your time.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
OMG, Cap. You’re so dramatic sometimes. Ok, we get it you have feelings, but no one wants to hear all about them. Especially your partner. It’s too much for anyone to handle really.
I’m not saying you should hold everything in, but seriously, girl, go let loose and have a little fun. All of your emotional ‘daddy issues’ don’t have to be dealt with this weekend. Just get a little V to D action and I’m sure you’ll feel better.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Aquarius, since Leo season begins on July 22, the Sun will illuminate the relationship sector of your chart! Hell yes, girl! Good vibes all around!
Take advantage this weekend by spending some amazing one-on-one time with your partner. If you’re single, dress up, go out, and be on the hunt for the perfect hookup. I promise you will not be disappointed with who you bring home.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Sex is getting SUPER routine, Pisces. Haven’t you ever thought about switching it up a little?
There are a million different things to try and you seem to be stuck on the missionary train. Ew, how vanilla! Try something spicy like 69ing, hot wax, or choking. If that is all too much for your little V to handle, at least get on top, girl!
Feature image credit: [Rebel Circus]
See Also: Weekend Sexoscope: July 6th-8th
See Also: Weekend Sexoscope: July 13th-15th
See Also: Weekend Sexoscope: July 27th-29th