We’re all familiar with the idea of a ‘summer fling’. It’s represented throughout our culture in books, films, and hello, IRL. Two of the most popular examples of this are Grease and The Notebook, which show us that summer love is TOO REAL.
So summer flings are definitely a thing…but why?
Well, there’s no denying that we all feel a little hornier in the summer, or for some of us, a lot hornier, and come to find out, there’s actually science backing this up! Phew! So, now you know it’s not just you.
NYgal is here to give you all the dirty science to explain why your V is prone to get extra wet on those hot summer days.
The Beautiful Sun!
Image credit: [Flickr]
Ok, put on your lab coat and listen up; this is straight science, here. The sun comes out much more in the summer, obviously. This makes it nice and warm as we put away our down coats and take the time to play outdoors.
With our increased exposure to the sun, our serotonin levels rise with the increase of vitamin D, which supports happy moods. Cool, right?
According to Psychiatrist Ashwini Nadkarni, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and instructor at Harvard Medical School, “a serotonin boost is the same reaction that’s responsible for both improved libidos in people taking SSRIs for depression, and the hyper-charged horniness many people feel on certain drugs like molly or cocaine.”
So, the sun really is a drug; they weren’t lying! Just add it to the list of natural aphrodisiacs.
Vaction Time!
Image credit: [harpethmarketing.com]
Uh, it’s summer, so of course, you get a little time off and that’s perfect because it’ll put you in good spirits- just like the sun! Say ‘buh-bye’ to office life and ‘hello’ to soaking up some rays with a mango margarita in hand. Hey, it’s 5’oclock somewhere!
Your time-off freedom will have you socializing with others in and out of the sheets, because when your head is in a good space and you’re feeling that natural energy, your V will be feeling it too!
Everyone is Looking Hot!
Image credit: [tokkoro.com]
The pleasure of the flesh is real and seeing it all over the beach is a way to get your libido pumping strong!
We may think that in this day in age we are desensitized to images of overly-exposed bodies, but when the sun is working with your hormone levels, these images will bring out the sexual goddess in you.
No More Sleepy Eyes!
Image credit: [telegraph.co.uk]
Another neurotransmitter-like substance in our bodies is called melatonin, which makes us sleepy. I’m sure you’ve heard of it, or even tried it, as a natural sleep-aid, as you can buy it at practically any drugstore.
The increase of sunlight in the summer, actively blocks out melatonin, like a defenseman. This, in turn, becomes bad for your sleeping habits, but really really good for pulling all-nighters and still making it into work on time.
Jessica O’Reilly, Ph.D., Astroglide’s resident sexologist explains that “melatonin can interfere with sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and serotonin itself.”
The combination of increased serotonin and decreased melatonin can make a woman go mad craving some D. So, maybe we should all think twice about popping a melatonin or two to get our sleep on and embrace our summer sex drive!
Sweat, baby, Sweat!
Image credit: [infraredsauna.com]
Mmmm, the sweet smell of pheromones!
It’s basic science; both men and women are attracted to the natural smell of each other. Maybe, it seems a little animalistic and wild for you to believe, but it’s proven!
Studies have shown that women are physically aroused by the natural smell of a man’s sweat. Meaning that when a woman smells the pheromone aroma, their V might start to flood. Seems gross, kind of is, but also in a sort of sexy way, right?
Men can’t escape this natural reaction either. They can even subconsciously determine if a woman is ovulating or not. When a woman’s pheromones smell more fertile, she is immediately more attractive to a man.
Reliving Your High School Days!
Image credit: [sheplers-stampede.com]
If you weren’t running around in the summers of your high school days, disobeying your parents, and getting it on…then like what the hell were you doing?
We constantly wish to relive our high school days, because it was full of firsts: first kisses, first drinks, first hook-ups, first boyfriends, the first time you snuck out of the house…you get the point!
The first of something is always the best, not in quality, but because of the anticipation and tension leading up to it. Not to mention the high of knowing you actually did it- whatever it was!
This little trip down memory lane is often associated with summer because that’s when we had the most time as teens to misbehave. This summertime deja-vu is a definite engine-revver, because even as we get old, feeling bad and dirty, always feels good, right?