The Real Housewives of Orange County (RHOC), aired on Bravo, gives us an inside look into the lives of six women living in one of the richest towns in the country. Viewers watch as they go through their daily lives tanning, meeting up for lunch dates, shopping, doing a few cosmetic upgrades, and of course — drama. They have a pretty loyal fan base with about 1.363 million views in 2019. But, what is it about this show that keeps people coming back for more? Keep reading to find out the top 9 things people love about The Real Housewives of Orange County.
Living Through the Glamour
Who doesn’t want to live glamorous on the West Coast of California where the beach is near, the sun is shining and beautiful people are everywhere. RHOC gives their viewers an opportunity to feel like they’re residents of Orange County and a part of the women’s over-the-top lives.
Drama, Drama, Drama
One of the guilty pleasures about RHOC is the drama. From cat fights, un-wanted party guests, ex-husbands, and everything in between, the housewives are never short on serving us the tea. The recent drama surrounds the “OG of OC” Vicki Gunvalson who is the original cast member of the show. It is rumored that she might be retiring from the Housewives. We’ll keep the kettle warm for now and wait to see what happens.
Feeling a Connection
If you’re a faithful RHOC fan then it’s easy to start feeling a “connection” with some of the cast members (I mean it’s been since 2006)! Deep down, it’s hard not to feel like we’ve grown up with the ladies and their families. Our loyalty never dies and we keep coming back season after season to reunite with our favorite ladies.
Friends and Enemies
The friend and foe dynamic always take a turn in the Orange County kingdom. For example, friends Kelly Dodd and Braunwyn Windham-Burke started off as Balboa Bay Club buds but, in season 14, that friendship took a dip when Braunwyn mentioned Kelly and her former beau’s fight to the other housewives. Also, Kelly’s friendship with housewife Shannon Storms Beador came to an end. On the other end of the screen are fans picking sides or rooting for the end of the fight and a potential mend to the housewives’ relationships. It also gives us the opportunity to see them from a realistic and less glamorous standpoint.
Girls Trips
From Ireland, Costa Rica to Bali and more, the housewives traveled to lavish places and pampered themselves (even more than usual). Their trips are honestly goals and we can’t help but gawk over it and set up our Pinterest boards based on the travel inspiration.
Their Family is Honestly Our Family
Since 2006, we’ve watched the housewives of past and present’s children grow into adults, husbands turn into exes, and everything in-between. We’ve grown a bond with their families and little do they know, in our minds, they’re our family members too.
Fashion, Beauty, and Decor Inspiration
Look books and pin boards galore were created in honor of the fashion, beauty, and decor inspirations we’ve gained from RHOC (especially the reunion looks!). We also can’t talk about fashion and beauty and not shout out Katrina Guevara, one of the masterminds behind the flawless faces of the OC women. Also, fun fact, did you know that there is an Etsy page full of RHOC merch? Yeah. We can decorate our homes and closets with RHOC inspired items.
Surprise Guests
We love the surprises and OMG moments that every episode of RHOC brings. From Vicki surprising her son Michael in college, to the “Tres Amigas” aka. Shannon Beador, Tamra Judge, and Vicki “Whoop it Up” moments. The Real Housewives of Orange County always manage to keep us on our toes with the excitement.
A Reason to Have Wine Night With the Girls
Every night is a good time to have a wine-down with the girls and Real Housewives of Orange County is the perfect excuse. The show comes on very Tuesday at 8pm and with these 7 NYC Wine Shops we’ll not only have a delicious glass but, also our favorite show and a kiki with the girls. A winning combo.
As housewife Vicki Gunvalson once said, “we’re here to drink wine.”