Friendships are very delicate because they aren’t your family, but they kinda are because they’re “family” that you picked to be in your life; basically these are people you chose to be around as opposed to the family that you’re born into. That being said, your assistance with a makeup routine could be the end of said friendship if things turn sour.
Makeup is also a fragile subject because you’re either completely into it or not interested at all. In which case, if your friend is a newbie to the makeup scene, he/she may receive your advance better than they would had they considered themselves an expert. But, if you do have a friend that in fact does consider themself an expert at makeup, here’s a few modest ways to add your input without ruining the relationship.
Suggest NEVER Tell
So maybe your friend’s foundation is a shade darker than it should be, simply suggest going a shade lighter in a caring and lighthearted way so as to not come off as rude or “judgemental”. Be that great friend that you’re capable of being and help your friend find the perfect match for his/her shade. Telling your friend that their foundation shade doesn’t match their skin tone could come off the wrong way, and your friend may be offended, take the safe route, and thank me later.
See Also: The Ultimate Guide to Makeup Organization
Ask your friend who taught them their makeup routine. This is an innocent question to ask and a base for the help you provide. Knowing their routine’s origin can help you implement better ways to improve their current makeup. Be sure to ask in a nice and inquisitive manner. Remember, friendships are delicate.

Youtube It
Let’s be honest, Youtube has a video tutorial for just about everything you need in life. It’s one-stop browsing from how to change a catalytic converter to how to do your own makeup and transform into a celebrity lookalike. These tutorials will act as an assistant in gently telling your friend that the makeup routine they’ve been using has outstayed its welcome, and it’s time for better. Let Youtube do all of the work until it’s time to intervene in the next step.
Volunteer Your Services Pro Bono
Who doesn’t like free stuff? Offer to do a new but simple everyday look on their face that they can learn. Talk them through every step, and if you want, let them take over on some areas (some people learn best hands-on). Tell them what they need to improve on, maybe concealer for dark spots, bags under eyes, applying too much blush or eyeliner, or needing more practice blending eyeshadow. Act as teachers do and go at their pace while respecting their process.
Make It Fun
Making the makeup experience fun will take away the potential awkward part. After you fix his/her face then let him/her practice on yours. This is also a great way to see if he/she was paying attention as you were going through the steps, including the video tutorials.
Schedule A Class
If everything else fails, keep the theme of fun going and schedule a makeup class together. It never hurt to learn, even at expert level (if you consider yourself an expert). It’d be a great excuse to get dressed up, go to the class; and leave with a well-made face, then go out for dinner and drinks after.
Now that you’ve got a few ideas to present to your clown-faced friend; put them into action as soon as possible. The last thing you want is your good friend being laughed at when she thinks she’s killin’ it. Spare her the embarrassment and help her pull it together. Consider it your good deed for the day.