Microblading has quickly become a trend in the beauty industry. People are lining up to pay hundreds of dollars for a semi-permanent solution to hair grooming. But, before we jump into bikini microblading, you have to know about regular microblading. So, what is microblading exactly?
Well, microblading is a treatment where a beauty technician tattoos eyebrows onto your face using a small blade. Before you run the other way, a numbing cream is applied before the treatment so that you won’t be screaming in pain like with a regular tattoo. Microblading also isn’t permanent.

Now that you know about microblading, let’s dive into bikini microblading. Remember the days when women would shave a hair design into their bikini line? It would last maybe a couple of days before morphing into an unrecognizable design. Well, those days are over. Now your bikini design will last for weeks!
Bikini microblading is for those who want to show off what they’ve got! No more trimming your pubic hairs in the shower. Let the professionals do it for you. You can style your pubic hairs for your boo or for yourself. When planning that Caribbean vacation, get bikini microblading done and make those IG pictures stand out.
Is Bikini Microblading Safe?
Bikini microblading is safe when done by a certified microblading technician. You don’t want to let just anyone around your private parts. The team behind bikini microblading consists of a microblading expert, gynecologist, and pharmacist. They all are certified and highly experienced in their field.
Before your microblading treatment, you must undergo a consultation with these experts. They will determine if bikini microblading is a safe option for you. Like every technique that involves a needle or blade, there are risks. It’s important to talk them over with the microblading expert.
See Also: Can Microblading Put You at Risk for HIV?
What Designs Can I Get?
There are so many different designs to try. The best thing is if you don’t absolutely love it, you can change it in a few weeks. You don’t have to commit to a design that you hate. Here are some of our favorites:
We adore these microblading stars. It works perfectly with a string bikini or thong. Your boo will go crazy when he sees this.
If stars aren’t your thing, try out this lightning bolt. It’s super badass! This design works with a low-cut bikini or panty. Be daring!
If you want to something special for bae, get his initial microbladed into your bikini line. It shows how much you care about him; and in the event that you two break up (we hope not), at least it won’t be there forever.
See Also: Here’s How Going Commando Can Benefit Your Health
Where Can I Get Bikini Microblading Done?
Since this method is relatively new, there aren’t any salons that specialize in it yet. However, you can add yourself to the waiting list to get your microblading done by the people that invented the method.
Visit bikinimicroblading.com to contact the microblading experts.
When you get your bikini microblading done, don’t forget to show it off and tag @nygalmag in your pictures. We’d love to see how creative and sexy you can get!