Getting a job in this highly competitive world is a great achievement. Your efforts, your skills, and your work put to labour—when it turns out to be fruitful, it is an extremely delightful feeling to have. But after a certain period of time has passed, this elation somehow seems to pass, and you begin to notice the scenario of your present life and workspace. Sometimes, you might even get the thought of quitting your job, and many times, you should rightfully do so. But a situation where we find ourselves stuck is one where we’re not sure when to leave the place that we’ve been working at. And especially if it is your first job experience, trust me, I get the nervousness and dilemma that surround this forthcoming step at the beginning of your career. So, if you too aren’t sure what should be the basis for your choosing to stay in a job or quit it, check out the tips below to find out for yourself:
1. When it Starts Taking a Toll on Your Health
Yes, I understand how, at times, we all tend to neglect our health, whether mental or physical, when it comes to work. We tend to overwork ourselves until we collapse, and that is when it all starts to hit. How health truly is above anything and everything and should never ever be compromised One should never forget that one should earn to live and not live to earn. So when your job overworks you or stresses you out to the point that you cannot function properly, you need to know that it’s time to step out of it.

2. Toxic Work Environment
Of course, when one works, they shouldn’t care about what goes around, as all that is expected of them is to just focus on their role and fulfil it with utmost sincerity. But let’s be honest, we’re all social beings, and working in isolation isn’t possible for any of us. It may work for some time, but in the long run, it doesn’t work out so well. So when the environment around you starts to become toxic, full of people who just talk bad about you or other people behind their backs, hinder each other’s growth, and are overall not good for your evolution in the workplace, know that it’s time to leave.

3. When You Are Underpaid
When you’re new to a workplace, sure, your initial payout might not be what you wish for it to be, and that is okay given the fact that you’re a fresher. But even after gaining enough experience, if your employers are not willing to pay you for the amount of hard work you put in, consider this a red flag and start preparing to move out of this job. Nobody likes to work more than they get paid for, and neither should they have to.

4. When You Wish to Enhance Your Skills
If it starts to feel like your current job and role in the place you’re presently working aren’t at par with what you imagined your growth would be like, know that it is okay to start thinking of giving up the job. We all wish to grow in our careers, not just in terms of the pennies we make but also in terms of the skill set we gain. There are times when we wonder if our skills and knowledge of our field would’ve become finer had we chosen to work someplace else or if had we been given another opportunity a chance. And if, in times like these, a better opportunity knocks at your door, do not hesitate to welcome it with open hands, because, hey, there is no destination if you choose to stick where you are.

5. When it Starts to Feel Like You Aren’t Made For This Job
I’ll be very real on this one. I’m aware of how many times we tend to do what we do out of compulsion or obligation. There are certain responsibilities in life that we need to fulfill, and not all of us have been born with a silver spoon. So in order to make two ends of the day meet, we do the work that we don’t really even enjoy doing. Yes, you can do that for as long as you like, but when you can’t take it any longer, know that it is okay to leave what you’re doing and search for and do exactly what you wish to do. Sure, the journey might be bouncy, but you’d rather take the highs and lows of this uncertainty than remain stuck in the sad puddle of certainty.

Working at a place for even a small amount of time can get you all panicky when you choose to leave it for multiple reasons. But if your heart really doesn’t approve of what you do, know that it’s in the best interest of everybody that you quit it and do what’s best for you.