Central air units are a large and expensive method to cool your home. If you happen to live in a small house or in a milder climate, a central air unit or large air conditioner may be overkill. Using less power and a much cheaper option, a window fan is an effective way to cool down a sultry kitchen, living room, or your entire home! But before you run out to buy your new fan, be sure to read below for the ultimate guide to buying the best window fan for you.
Why a Window Fan is a Great Choice
Window fans have been a popular choice for cooling down apartments, dorms, and homes for decades now. All you need to enjoy the benefits of these small cooling units is access to a window you can open.
Yes, it is true that air conditioners and central air units will cool your home faster and to a greater extent. But running them constantly during the summer months will often have your electric bill skyrocketing! A window fan will very effectively cool down the rooms you find yourself using the most without ballooning up your eclectic bill!
Another great feature of many window fans is the ability to reverse the airflow. This makes them perfect additions for kitchens. As you cook, you can set the fan to pull hot air out of the room and blow it outside. Plus, not everything that tastes good smells the best while cooking. Reversing a window fan in your kitchen can pull unpleasant orders out the window and into the outdoors!
Key Points to Consider
Now that you have a better idea of why a window fan can make an excellent choice for cooling your home, let’s take a look at some of the key things to look for when shopping for a new fan.
Most modern window fans have the ability to reverse airflow from inside to out. Depending on how you plan to use your fan, this can be a key feature you are going to want to look for. If you plan to use the fan in a kitchen or bathroom to pull out odors and hot hair, you are definitely going to want to ensure reversibility.
Another thing to note is reversibility doesn’t always happen with the push of a button. Many medium and higher-priced models will reverse the fan blade’s direction with a button push. Some cheaper models claim they are reversible but will require you to manually turn the fan around to reverse the flow of air.
Construction Quality
No matter your price range, many window fan models have one thing in common, plastic. Most modern fans will have their cases, screens, and blades constructed from plastic. That doesn’t mean poor quality, and many will still come with a one-year warranty.
You can find fans with metal blades; however, they do tend to be more expensive. These window fans are often more robust and designed to be used in larger rooms or attics.
The best advice is to do your homework. Narrow your choices down to a few different fans, check out reviews and see what others have to say about the fan’s construction and quality.
Easy to Operate
Window fans are not complicated devices. It’s not like trying to set the clock on a VCR! You can find models equipped with thermostats, auto shut-offs, timers, and remote controls. None of these will be overly complicated, and a quick read over the owner’s manual should have you all set.
Keep in mind that the more features you add, the cost will go up. And there will be that many more things that could potentially break down on the fan.
Another thing to consider is the size of the fan you need. Window fans are not as heavy as air conditioners, but you can get some decent-sized ones. Make sure you are getting a fan that will actually fit the window you plan to use it in! And if you’re not sure you can handle the weight of the fan as you place it in the window, you may want to ask for help to avoid damaging the fan or window.
As summer approaches and temperatures begin to rise, now is the time to start thinking about how you are going to keep your home or apartment cool. A window fan is a fantastic budget-friendly way to stay cool! These versatile fans not only keep you cool, but they are great additions to hot and smelly kitchens and bathrooms. You’re not only limited to one fan either; you can use multiple fans to both pull hot hair out with some fans and blow cooler air in with others!
It’s getting hot out there, so measure those windows, check out some reviews, and go buy that window fan!
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