Aries (March 21-April 19)
Alluring Aries, Venus opposing your planetary ruler Mars yesterday has you competing for attention- but hey, Aries is always up for a challenge!
Find a guy for each night of the weekend. Sure, you may feel a little tired going to work on Monday from hopping from bed to bed, but sometimes you just have to let your fire out!
So, put on your best heels (the ones that make your legs look slammin’), go out and get all the D you can. NYgal dares you!
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Taur, girl, you’re feeling mighty flirty with Venus opposing Mars! But, unfortunately, there is no one around that’s really catching your interest. Guys kind of suck lately.
Take some time for yourself this weekend. Maybe invest in a new solo-toy to make your O’s even more glorious! Just be sure not to overindulge – you still have shit to do.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
The alignment of the planets has you feeling secure in your relationship! Finally! This is what you’ve been waiting for.
Still, keep the bed rocking so you don’t get bored too quick. After all, this is what you wanted, right? Time will tell, dear Gem.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You’re craving some major solo-time, Cancer. Your relationship is absolutely draining and you don’t know how to say you need space. That’s ok- it’ll come to you. Maybe not this weekend, but soon! Keep plugging along and try to get some time for yourself.
If you’re single- that’s great! This weekend will prove to be sexy and fun, just like you! Go out with your tightest hottest black dress and the perfect shade of red on your lips (Nars Red Lizard is my go-to) and go wild! It is summer after all!
Leo (July 23-August 22)
This is about to be the sexiest weekend you’ve had in a while, Leo! This weekend will be all about exploring your fantasies. And what’s more fun than that?
Whether you’ve been thinking about a sub/dom relationship, introducing anal beads in the bedroom, or a classic threesome -this is the perfect time to finally give it a go! The planets are in your favor, so for the sake of your pulsing V, take advantage of it.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Thursday’s summer solstice has you craving a real connection. If you’re in a relationship, I’m sorry to say, but the connection you’ve been dying for is not there and it never will be. So cry some tears and move on! Here are some tissues.
If you’re single, this connection will take some time to find, but don’t get discouraged. Date around, make yourself seen, but ultimately be transparent and completely yourself. You want to be sure to attract the right partner.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Libra! Everyone is talking about you this weekend. Be on your best behavior unless you want to deal with a whole lot of bullshit drama!
I suggest taking having a date-night in, rather than out. The fewer eyes on you the better. And just think, if you stay in you can play a little dirty without worrying about people judging you. Just make sure your partner can keep a secret!
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
The summer solstice on Thursday has you feeling extremely energetic this weekend! You’re all about adventure and trying new things, so bring that mentality into the bedroom.
Your partner may be a little hesitant at first, but there’s nothing a little dirty-talk, begging, and neck biting can’t solve. Get him to agree to your sexy demands, and I promise, you’ll both be singing HALLELUJAH!
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
I wish I had better news for you, Sagittarius, but the planet’s alignment has a lot of hard issues coming to the surface.
You’ve been dealing with intimacy issues, that you’ve been trying to put aside, but now your partner is starting to notice and is asking questions. Having these difficult conversations will be worth it in the end; Your confidence in the bedroom will sky-rocket and you’ll be having major booty in no time at all!
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Cap, you’re still trying to get that special someone. Connection is everything to you. If you’re dating someone now, chances are they aren’t the one. You are not in the dating-game to change people- you are much too busy for that.
If you’re single, allow yourself to flow with the summer solstice vibes and have a one-night-stand or three! You may find that one of these guys stick. Even serious Cap needs a summer fling!
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
When the sun connects with Uranus on Saturday, you’ll be feeling the need for a change. This isn’t something you feel often, so know that it’s important and attend to it!
Intimate relationships that you thought were firm and stable will be shaken-up! This is not a bad thing- just very unexpected. We know you can handle it though! Keep moving forward and be true to yourself.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
This weekend is all about passion! Your partner has been feeling neglected, so show your partner how much they mean to you by going the extra distance. They deserve it.
He hasn’t gotten a blow-job in a while, so get on your knees, girl, and give him what he’s been craving. You didn’t get that lip injection for nothing!
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See Also: Weekend Sexoscope: June 15th-17th
See Also: Weekend Sexoscope: June 29th-july 1st