We’ve heard all about FOMO for years now. But what about fitness FOMO? Many people get a fear of missing out on getting some exercise that it paralyzes them. In fact, people can get FOMO from workouts, exercise classes, and other types of fitness activities. How do I know this? I have experienced it first-hand. I know all too well the feelings of wanting to fit in a workout amidst a hectic and busy life. I know how it feels to miss out on exercise classes because you had to pay for rent. I am here to say that it’s okay. We can all get through fitness FOMO in a healthy way. Here’s how.
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff
Just like with all things, balance and moderation are key. In fact, it can be really easy to wish that you had the extra money for that spin class or some more time to fit in a run, but that’s not always the case. Planning is always key to avoid the not-so-great feelings that come up when you miss a workout. Focus on what you CAN do instead of what you are apparently missing out on.
Your Fitness Will Never Fail You
Confidence. Fitness. They go hand in hand. In fact, it take a pretty long time for any active person to lose their fitness. This can be a really hard thing to comprehend. I always get anxiety when my usual workout gets changed. I am a big fan of routine so when things don’t go as planned and I end up missing a workout, I can start to get anxious and instantly find myself in a bad mood. However, knowing that you won’t lose your fitness if you miss a couple workouts.
Workout For Fitness Not For Short-Term Goals
When it comes to working out, you always want to set long and short term goals. That being said, focusing on the long-term fitness goals versus the short term can help to minimize the FOMO you feel when missing a workout. Over-exercising can be a massive problem. Instead of falling into that place, give yourself permission to not be perfect when it comes to your fitness. Learn to be kinder to yourself if you miss a workout. All will work out in the end.
And look, I know it’s easier said than done. It’s one thing to say that you are comfortable missing a workout but it’s a whole other thing to actually miss it. Substituting a run for a spin class can actually save you some money as well as give your body a whole new feeling that you weren’t even expecting. You might just like what you find- I sure did!