Sometimes it is nice to be reminded of the games we played as kids. And the 20 questions game has a special place in our heart. If you haven’t played in years, we have a quick reminder of how to play. We also have some fun twists on the classic game. This is the perfect activity for when you are stuck inside. It is totally free, and all you need to play is your imagination. 20 questions is also perfect for long car rides. And if you have kids, it will keep them busy in any circumstance. Plus if you are alone you can buy the toy version which asks questions. It is always a good idea to know a fun game whether it is to distract yourself or those around you.
Basic Rules
Start by having you or your partner think of something, anything. Make sure it is something you both know. Do not choose a fictional land from a book only one of you has read. Then the other person will have twenty chances to ask yes no questions to figure out what it is. It is always best to start out with the three most basic questions: is it a person, place or thing? Then you can move on from there. Remember, in addition to answering yes and no you can also answer sometimes or never.
How to Pick an Object Nobody Will Guess
As previously stated you have to pick something that your partner known about. But that does not mean it has to be something they can easily guess. If you are old friends, pick something you have not talked about in years. Maybe they are a stranger, in which case you can pick an obscure celebrity, on who would not commonly be thought of, but is never the less known. Walking the line between obscure things people know versus things they don’t can be difficult with new people. But it is still possible. Abstract concepts are great choices because they are difficult to guess, while still being widely understood.
How to Win if You are Guessing
There is no one way to get to the correct answer. This is especially true because there is an infinite number of things your partner could have picked. But one of the best ways to get there is to start with broad questions, then narrow it down. Ask questions like: Is it alive? Is it fictional? Is it something I can hold? These questions will narrow your choices be eliminating large categories. Most answer choices tend to be a person place or thing that is relatively easy to grasp. Make sure to remember all the questions you have already asked so you do not end up back peddling. The best way to win is to make sure you are paying attention.
Add a Theme
If you want to spice up the 20 questions game to make it a bit more fun, try adding a theme. Make sure it is something you and your partner have in common. Though themes make it easier by starting you off with a general category, they also make it possible to go more obscure. You can pick themes like cooking, Harry Potter, classic novels, Disney movies etc.. Picking a theme can be a great way for you and your partner to bond over a subject you both like, no matter what that may be.
Make it a Drinking Game
Whoever loses each round does a shot. Or if someone asks the same question twice take a drink. Alcohol is always a fun twist to add to classic games. Plus it will make it more difficult for both you and your partner. Nothing says bonding like doing shots with friends. If you are already using 20 questions as a party game, why not add alcohol to the mix?
Play with Challenges
Finding a challenge to add to 20 questions is only as limited as your imagination. Try to guess the object in a certain time frame. Only play while standing on one leg. Decide whoever loses text their ex. Make it fifteen questions instead of twenty. Challenges are a great way to spice up the game while remaining true to your friendship. There are an infinite number of ways you can add challenges to this game and make it way more fun. This is especially true if you are playing with a group of people and need to keep the game interesting for everyone. Make up new challenges and rules to have a great time.