We’ve all heard that meditation is good for our minds, bodies, and spirit. And it’s definitely something New Yorkers should be doing more of. I mean in NYC, who doesn’t want to just zone TF out for a little while?
Meditation allows us to be a lot less stressed and a little more zen, allowing us to fit in with the hipsters of Bushwick, as well as the yoga moms on the Upper East.
BUT, did you know that the regular practice of meditation can also lead to some seriously mind-blowing sex?
Here’s the science backing it up…
Less Stress = Better Orgasms

Meditation is generally used to ease our minds from our stressful workdays, family problems, etc. However, it can also help us to achieve better orgasms and at NYGal, we’re all for that.
Increased cortisol (the stress chemical) levels are scientifically proven to cause erectile dysfunction and the prevention of female orgasms. A study done in 2009 showed that women whose cortisol levels exceeded a certain amount were physically incapable of experiencing an orgasm.
To us women, this makes so much sense. I mean, have you ever really wanted sex when you were stressed to the max? Like, no, don’t f***king touch me.
This is why, traditionally, men “wine and dine” women before bringing them home. It’s not only romantic and considerate (even when, as a society, we are transitioning out of traditional dating), but it allows the woman to relax and feel comfortable, making it easier for her to experience pleasure later.
For men, the fear and anxiety that is a reaction to stress shock your body with a rush of adrenaline, which then constricts your blood vessels, making it impossible to get an erection.
With regular meditation, your body’s cortisol levels will begin to decrease and the happy chemicals serotonin and dopamine will move in, making your body go from fight or flight to stay and play.
More Energy

How many times have you told your partner you’re too tired for a nighttime romp after a long day at work? I’m guessing too many! The practice of meditation allows your body to conserve more energy, which you can later burn off with some lovin’.
Practicing meditation on a regular basis can save your non-existent sex life because it will allow your body to get to a place deeper than sleep. You will feel refreshed throughout the day and ready to give yourself to bae at the end of the night.
Be Present

Meditation is all about being in the moment and letting all the weight be lifted from your shoulders. And this skill can easily be transferred over to your sex life.
Being present during sex and focusing on your partner and the pleasure you’re experiencing is key to toe-curling booty. No one wants to be screwing someone who is thinking about a work deadline or pondering ways to save on the utility bill.
During meditation, the right part of the brain is activated, highlighting awareness. When practiced on a regular basis, this present awareness can be utilized in your sex life because the brain will be properly trained to seek in-the-moment pleasure. Over time, the brain will actually become more cohesive and the right and left hemispheres will become more properly balanced.
Get That Spark Back

Another perk with daily meditation is that is can be a great method for getting that honeymoon spark back! It will reteach you to be considerate, listen to your partner, and be fully intuned to them while performing sexual activities.
Chemistry can be enhanced by eye-contact and proper attention and consideration for your partner, and it is vital to experiencing amazing sex. Meditation, essentially, works as a sort of training to be your best self in the bedroom, which will definitely help those sparks fly again!
Read Your Partner’s Mind

Now, meditation may not turn you into a full-blown physic; However, it can certainly improve your intuition and help you to understand what exactly your partner is looking for in the sheets. This is because meditation enhances mirror neurons in your body, which allow you to be more intuitive, by observing and copying or “mirroring” another person in action.
Meditation allows us to separate the conscious mind from the unconscious mind and begin to fully understand the power of the unconscious mind, as it is quicker and more aware; rather than rational like the conscious mind. With the unconscious mind being well-trained by mediation, you can pick up all the subtle cues your boo is dishing out to you; from their moans to sighs, to the way they grab your body.
NYGal also wants you to know that if you want to get a little freaky you can practice Meditation During Sex.