When you have been friends with someone for a long time, you sometimes run out of things to do. The two of you have already done everything, so what’s next? After countless nights of sleepover makeovers and talking about your crushes, you need to spice it up. But you are friends for a reason, and there is always time to get excited about the funny things your friends do. It is time to stop sitting around on the couch with your bestie. Go make some new memories. So if you want to spice up a hangout, check out these funny things you can do together.
Truth or Text
Inspire by a segment on Hassan Minhaj’s show, The Patriot Act, this game is a more advanced truth or dare. You ask your friend a question and they can either answer, or let you text anyone on their phone. This game takes a lot of trust between friends and is not for the faint at heart. It can be terrifying if someone takes it too far, but if you play with people you trust it is sure to be a blast. Text their new beau pictures of them in middle school, or ask their mom if she would like to learn about scientology. You will have all kinds of funny memories and inside jokes after it’s done.
Make a Tik Tok
Tik Tok is what all the kids are using these days. If you miss Vine, it is a great way to get similar content. But why stop at just watching Tik Toks? Although that could also make a fun night. Make a Tik Tok with your friends and have some fun. Even if the video comes out terrible, you will have a good time making it. You and your friend will have some good laughs, while you explore funny content and make your own. There are all sorts of content options from dance videos to drawing to random content. Who knows, maybe you will become Tik Tok famous one day.
Wine and Paint
Why do people pay for wine and paint classes when you can do it for free at home with all your gal pals? Grab a bottle of wine, or two, and create whatever you want. You can buy super cheap art supplies at major retailers like Ross or Target. An added bonus over paid wine and paint nights is that you can make whatever you want, there are no instructions to follow.
Prank Calls
You probably have not made a prank call in years. But while phones advanced, *67 stayed around. This is a fun and funny activity to do with friends that will make you feel nostalgic. Prank call your boss or your mom or that guy you like but are too afraid to talk to. If you are scared of repercussions you can prank call random numbers. You will create some great inside jokes and lasting memories.
Build a Pillow Fort
Much like with prank calling, forts are a classic activity you probably haven’t done in years. But why not? Create a cozy space for you and your gal pals to tell scary stories and eat snacks. Plus your parents can’t get mad at you for messing up the living room if you do not live with them.
Do you ever want to look like a model on the runway with over the top makeup and fashion forward styling? Then do it. Go as crazy as your heart desires. Why stop at looking like a model? Dress up like a princess or a diva. You will make some amazing instagram photos that will have all of your followers jealous. Be creative with it, because ultimately this is expressing who you are your friend are. Afterward you will have beautiful photographs to commemorate your friendship.
DIY Difficult Crafts
If you love the show Nailed It, you will love trying to make something you have no experience in. Go through Pinterest and find some crafts that seem way out of your skill level, then try to recreate them. Your project will inevitably come out horrible, but the fun is in the process. You and your friend are sure to make a million mistakes as you try to put together something neither of you understand. It is a perfect way to try something new, and have a few laughs while you are at it.
If you want more New York specific activities to do with friends you can check out some budget friendly idea here. Or if you are having trouble finding friends, and need to find someone to do activities with check out this article on friend finding apps.