More people than you think find blackhead removal videos extremely satisfying. Blackheads are gross and disgusting, and people cannot seem to get enough of watching them pop. There is scientific reasoning behind this. It now appears that when you pop blackheads, your brain releases the hormone dopamine. Dopamine is the reason you feel a rush of satisfaction and happiness after popping out a blackhead.
The same reaction occurs when you watch someone else pop one as well. Watching blackhead removal videos can give you the same rush you would experience had you popped it yourself. So, with that in mind, take a look and enjoy the thrill of watching the seven videos below!
Blackhead Removal Ruins Mirror
In this video, you can see a young boy with what appears to be a decent-sized blackhead or pimple on his nose. The fact that he was recording when he went to pop the blackhead implies he had some idea of what was about to happen. But you can tell from the look on his face, and yelling for his mom to come to look, afterward that this was a bit more than he expected.
The explosion out of this thing flies past the camera and splats hard onto a mirror. The splatter on the mirror drives home the amount of substance blown out of this thing!
Deep in the Ear
Of all the places to try and pop a blackhead yourself, inside the ear has to be one of the worst. The person in this video had to see a professional to have their blackhead removed. It appears to have been growing for a while and had plenty stored up underneath the surface. It is unknown if his hearing was being affected, but this individual has to feel better now that it is gone.
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Bring a Blackhead to a Knife Fight
Another blackhead that required help from a professional to remove. Not precisely a blackhead, however highly similar in looks, this is actually a Dilated Pore of Winer, DPOW, which is a noncancerous growth in a sweat gland or hair follicle. It really does look like an overgrown blackhead. It required lancing with a small scalpel to get it removed.
Blackhead Removal Videos of Gooey Goodness
I gave up counting how many blackheads were removed from this gentleman. The popping just kept going! Every time I would think it was over, nope, more work to do! His skin has to feel better after having all of those blackheads removed.
The change to his complexion was incredible. I have to wonder if his friends and co-workers recognized him the next day.

Showing Off
This individual had no shortage of blackheads needing to be removed and went to a professional to have it done. This footage is very detailed and does a great job of getting right down on top of all the removals. My favorite part of this video is the choice of white gloves. Something about the contrast of the white glove and the yellow-green goo from the blackhead will leave a lasting impression on you.
I’m not sure if this video is for removal vets or the perfect entry point for newcomers. Either way, it is a must-watch!
Sit Back and Relax
Grab a frosty beverage, sit back, and fire up this video. Clocking in at over 22-minutes, this blackhead video keeps giving up the goodness! Its length makes it a perfect blackhead party video to put on for friends; if they are into that sort of thing. It is another professionally assisted removal with a white glove. By the end of the footage, areas on the glove are completed covered in blackhead goodness.
This one has it all, slow oozes and some tiny explosions, and it has plenty of it! It is worth finding the time to watch it all the way through.
A Little Bit of Everything
We are going to end this list with a combo video. This one has a little bit of everything, a zit/pimple, cyst, and a colossal blackhead. If variety is the spice of life, then this video is loaded with life! The blackhead at the beginning of the video is incredibly solid and almost rock-like in appearance.
The cyst-like mass in the second part gives up a great fight before finally being pulled out. I do not want to keep going on about it, just check out this video and see for yourself!
There you have it, seven of the most eclectic blackhead removal videos you can find on the net. This is not everyone’s cup of tea, but there is no doubt watching blackheads explode on video is becoming increasingly popular. Men, women, young, old, different cultures, everyone seems to be into watching blackheads pop. Who knew watching blackheads get removed would be an oozing gooey melting pot!
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