When it comes to dating everyone has an opinion, and I mean everyone. But it’s often easier to give advice than to receive it because you’re not exactly in it. Have you ever received the worst dating advice/tips and thought to yourself “this person has gotta be nuts”? Well, keep reading because here are seven of the worst bad dating tips I’ve ever heard in my life.
The ‘Get Over One By Getting Under Another’ Tip
The whole “The best way to get over someone is by getting under someone new” has got to be the worst of the worst. I mean what sense does that really make? I can see meeting someone new but jumping into bed with someone you just met is just irresponsible and if I’m frank, quite stupid. What good will that bring but temporary satisfaction, if that? There’s no time to heal and get over the ex, which means all that the past relationship encompassed will now be projected on to that new person. Talk about a trainwreck!
The ‘Don’t Text/Call ASAP Or You’ll Look Thirsty’ Tip
I’ve never understood this concept and probably never will. Aren’t you supposed to let the person know you’re interested? Texting/Calling the person lets them know that, so why wait two or three days? You’re letting them know that you’re a joke by delaying communication. This way of thinking is very immature and hopefully, the girl/boy leaves you on read.
Even if You Are, Don’t Appear to be Available
Again, why? If you’re trying to date why don’t you want to be available? I can understand not being available all the time, but most times why aren’t you wanting to connect with someone you’re interested in? The whole point of dating is spending time to see if this is someone you want to take strides with further, playing games as if you’re busier than you are, and blowing them off constantly seems like a recipe for disaster.
Go Ghost for a Few Days
This one has me flabbergasted! From a woman’s perspective, this is grounds to cease all contact. Randomly ‘going off the map’ or not calling or texting for a few days to make someone’s mind wonder is at the top of the worst advice I’ve ever heard. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder but in this case, at least for me, absence makes me block and delete you. There’s nothing that can validate this type of behavior, what can you really get out of ghosting someone?
When All Else Fails, Multi-Date
I’m not sure if this a millennial thing or not but I don’t have the brain capacity for it. In my twenties, I tried it and it was tiresome. It’s hard keeping up with who said what and even what I said, even through text. It also gets boring, at least it did for me. I can see how it would be easier and quicker to weed out who’s of quality and more interesting, but I prefer to take my time and feel a person out on a one on one level. Maybe I’m old fashioned.
‘Enjoy the Luxury of Not Knowing Each Other’ Tip
I’ve heard oblivion is bliss, so maybe that’s the sentiment behind this logic. In dating, there’s a ‘honeymoon phase’ where everything just flows and seems almost perfect, because everyone is on their best behavior and trying to impress one another. That phase only lasts so long because after a while you start to see the real them. So I guess the luxury of letting things flow organically is the premise, yet you really aren’t getting anywhere with the person because you aren’t getting to know them. But I don’t want to have mindless conversations and shallow perspectives with someone. What’s the point? Why waste each other’s time?
Let them Host You
I’ve only experienced this proposition when dating foreigners. They ask to ‘host’ you at their home because it’s cheaper. They provide the space, drinks, and food. In hindsight, this sounds harmless, but from my perspective, it’s highly dangerous; they also control the environment because it’s there’s. They know where everything is, and if something is to go completely left, you are the victim because of your trust in this stranger you let pursued you into coming over instead of meeting up in person for a first date. Safety is always key for me, if we can’t meet in public, then we just can’t meet.
Now that you’ve read about some of the most ridiculous and outrageous dating tips/advice I’ve ever heard, feel free to list some of yours down below. Ladies, please always practice safe dating, and if possible purchase pepper spray or a taser. Don’t be persuaded by good looks and charm. Think then react.