It is natural and understandable to want and aspire to have a set of pearly white teeth. After all, who would not want a beaming smile that can wow people in an instant, right? Getting this done, however, can be quite a challenge.
It is also natural and understandable to have oral care take a back seat, in terms of tending to our bodily needs. Many people tend to neglect those dentist trips that should be taking place every six months, and it usually results in various problems, including the dreaded yellow teeth.
Fortunately, we are living in a world where technological advancements are abounding. These days, one can have a procedure done (albeit in exchange for a relatively exorbitant amount), which can be deemed impossible ten years ago. One of them, you guessed it, is teeth whitening.
In this article, we will be giving you readers five easy ways to whiten your teeth naturally and safely. If you are looking to boost your oral health and remove plaque, stains, and bacteria, using natural ingredients that have no side effects and are at low cost, then these tricks are for you!
Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda
Now, you may think that this could be a science experiment gone wrong, but read on through. First and foremost, hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent that is known to be a bacteria killer. It has been used for many years to treat open wounds, and in this case, as a teeth-whitener.
In fact, hydrogen peroxide is present in many teeth whitening products, but if you add in a little baking soda, you now have a toothpaste you can use for such a purpose. If it works well enough, you can sell your own batch and make a little money on the side.
Apple Cider Vinegar
As an ingredient, apple cider vinegar is not restricted to the kitchen. It can also be used to treat acne, to remove molds, and of course, to whiten teeth. Many of its natural compounds such as potassium, enzyme, magnesium, as well as several probiotics are said to be responsible for the enhancement of oral health.
So put that bottle of apple cider vinegar to good use and make it an interesting alternative to your mint-flavored toothpaste.
Yes, strawberries are more than just ice cream toppings or a healthy snack alternative. It can also help whiten teeth in the most natural way.
By mixing some strawberries with baking soda, any discoloration that your teeth may have will be removed, thanks to the malic acid present in the fruit. They also help exfoliate your teeth, to make them appear a lot whiter.
Oil Pulling
In case you are not familiar with this method, oil pulling is simply the swishing oil around your mouth to remove all the oral bacteria. This traditional Indian folk practice is usually done upon waking up in the morning, aiming to lessen and even eradicate plaque build-up in the mouth, which causes teeth to turn yellow.
Coconut oil is the usual oil of choice for this specific method, mainly because it has a more bearable taste compared to any other oil. It is also potent in lauric acid, a compound known for its bacteria-killing capabilities and inflammation reduction. Studies have also proven the effectiveness of this method, especially in terms of reducing the chances for the development of gingivitis and plaque.
Brush Your Teeth Regularly
As always, the traditional methods will always be effective, and in terms of oral care, it would be about regular brushing. As mentioned, this could be one of the most neglected necessary practices, especially for those who are always busy and on the go, and it definitely should not be the case.
We all typically eat three square meals a day, and it would not be that of a heavy chore to brush after every one of those meals. It not only keeps your mouth healthy, but it also gives you that nice, fresh feeling.
Of course, you will need the right toothpaste upon the recommendation of your dentist, but keeping this a habit will definitely pay off.