The pandemic may have canceled several plans, but many people have found creative ways to celebrate weddings, birthdays, and baby showers. Some resorted to simple gatherings, while observing physical distancing, just to push through with their celebrations. Others held virtual gatherings to be more inclusive. It’s wonderful how people who normally wouldn’t have the means to celebrate because of the distance are now able to do so with a click of a link.
Thanks to today’s technology, a pandemic is no match for people who want to celebrate. One of the most common things people used to spend time and money on for events are invitations. Be it an invitation made by a professional invitation maker, or a simple DIY invitation, these things make use of paper and take a long time to be mailed. An easier and more timely option would be the use of virtual invitations.
Virtual invitations not only help spread out the word of your celebration easily, they’re also a great way to help the environment. If you want to celebrate responsibly and are all for a greener option, you may want to consider going for virtual invitations, like those made by Greenvelope. Here’s how online invitations can help the environment:
Less Use Of Paper
You have probably received a traditional birthday or wedding invitation at least once in your life. Some people would even send other cards apart from the actual invitation, such as save-the-dates and RSVPs. How often did you get them? How many pages were in the invitation? What was the material used?
Traditional invitations normally use paper, which comes from trees. Since you have no use for the invitation anymore after being aware of the event, it would most likely end up in the trash or as additional clutter in your home. So, if you were to hold an event, why would you spend so much money on an invitation that would only end up in someone’s trash afterward?
If your event needs more than one invitation to be sent out to guests, choosing virtual invitations is a good option. Think about all the paper you’ll save and how that will impact the environment. You’re not just helping the environment, you ‘re also helping your guests by not adding to the clutter around their house.
Help the environment by going paperless and saving trees. Switch to virtual invites now!
No Need For Fuel And Energy
When sending traditional invitations to your guests, you have to make sure that you have their correct mailing addresses. This process can be a hassle, especially since your guests may come from different places. For the traditional invitations to reach your guests, they need to travel through a mail courier.
No matter how close or far they are from you, the use of fuel is necessary to send and receive these invites. As you know, fuel consumption contributes to air pollution, which harms the environment and your health. Making the switch to virtual invitations may not totally eliminate air pollution, it’s a step in the right direction. Imagine how much fuel and energy is consumed by freight and delivery companies when you send out the invites, and your guests send back their replies to you.
Virtual invitations lessen the fuel and energy used when sending traditional invitations. It’s also a faster way to send the invites and receive your guests’ replies without contributing to pollution. Remember, when it comes to invitations: no to paper, no to fuel, and yes to digital!
Use Saved Money To Help The Environment
Did you initially decide on sticking with traditional invitations, but are now considering virtual ones? That would be an excellent choice since virtual invitations are considerably cheaper than traditional ones. You can save so much money and time, and help save the environment, too, when you choose virtual invitations.
If you have a budget set for traditional invitations but are now leaning towards sending out virtual invitations, you may even use the difference in the prices as donations to organizations that strive to help save the environment. This step is, of course, something optional that you may want to consider doing. Since you already made it as far as switching to virtual invitations, donating to organizations that help preserve and maintain the environment to benefit future generations wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
There are many virtual invitation providers you can find on the internet. You can choose the design and template, and even have an event website where you can track and see which of your guests have responded, and which guests have not yet even opened the invites. This process makes it easier for you to follow up on your guests with a simple text or email.
Choosing virtual invitation providers is a faster, cheaper, and more efficient way of sending out invites for your special days. Greenvelope, for example, specializes in giving your guests the online experience of opening a traditional invitation. They have elegant designs available, but you can also opt to modify an existing template to suit your style or even upload your own design.
Greenvelope also takes the greener experience to another level because they donate a percentage of their sales to a non-profit organization called Mountains to Sound, which helps maintain forests. So, you’re not just helping the environment by switching to virtual invitations, you’re also indirectly donating to an environmental organization.
More people are starting to choose more eco-friendly options. Virtual invitations are not an exception, which is why they’re the best option for people who are trying to decrease their carbon footprint. If you’re worried about sacrificing the quality of the invitations, it would be best to check each provider’s website and check their customers’ feedback.
Keep in mind that while your event and invitations may be important, it’s also essential that you care for the environment and do your part in helping it. Virtual invitations may not have the same effect as receiving traditional invitations, but it’s a more efficient and eco-friendly way to let people know about your event. To get the best deal out of virtual invitations, work with a provider that gives the receivers a virtual, but familiar, experience of opening a traditional invitation!
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