Many people believe that spending time alone is the greatest thing ever. But it can also be worse than death. Rather than resting and relishing your alone time, you squander it roaming around your apartment or thinking about what you’re going to do with yourself.
It’s not the best feeling, but it’s quite normal. Imagine this: if you’re used to being engaged 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the concept of going solo will be terrifying. Not to mention that it’s always a little unsettling to see what the old brain will come up with when everything is quiet.
Indeed, the latter argument is a major reason why a large number of individuals despise the thought of spending time alone. Some people suffer from loneliness because they’re unable to be at peace with their feelings. They believe that if they continue walking and are occupied with other activities, they will avoid being confronted with this stuff.
If this is the situation for you, it might explain why it seems so strange to spend an evening at home or to stay a few hours without using your phone. But, even if it’s a little unpleasant, it’s all the more incentive to practise being with yourself. Here are some pointers on how to achieve that while also having fun.
Gradually introduce yourself to alone time.
If the notion of spending time alone sends a shiver through your spine, start off gently. Don’t dive headlong into a weekend-long Netflix session. Increase your tolerance and choose hobbies that you love that also help to soothe and entertain you when you are alone. Larger stretches of loneliness will soon cease to be frightening. Who knows, you might even enjoy it.
Become Your Own Validation Source
Yes, it feels nice to receive frequent messages and have regular schedules. But pause for a moment to consider why you need this constant attention. Could it be that you are not really sure how to validate yourself? If this is the case, spend some time alone—without your phone, iPad, or laptop—and really check into yourself. You’ll quickly discover you don’t need anyone else but yourself.
Indulge in Hobbies
Some people who dislike spending time alone are utterly bored when they do so. If that’s the case, you should start looking for new activities right now. Take advantage of the solitude by reading, painting, or knitting. Alternatively, use an empty apartment to watch movies or teach yourself to cook. This is your chance to try fresh stuff without being distracted.
Don’t check your phone.
If you’ve decided to spend some time with yourself, make it a habit to leave your phone behind. Checking it not only violates the objective of alone time, but you’ll almost certainly see a status update that causes you to feel isolated and excluded. To avoid fear of missing out, tuck your phone out of reach.
Acknowledge It’s Important to Be Your Most Genuine Self
Some may resent spending time alone until they learn, with joy, that an evening alone means they can do whatever they want. Isn’t that a fascinating thought? Alone time allows you to be your most authentic self, so dance about, watch anything, and eat something you desire. That is what “alone” time refers to.
Have a Night Out
Nobody ever claimed that spending time alone meant closing the door and sleeping at home. If you hate being alone because you’re bored at home, a change of scenery might help. Go get a cup of coffee, take a walk through town, or relax in the garden. This still qualifies as “alone time,” even if you’re not really by yourself.
Make the best possible use of your time.
Housework may not be at the top of your list of priorities, but a weekend alone is a good time to get things done. Turn on some music, tie our hair up, and start tidying. Your place will look fantastic in a matter of hours, and you will have effectively spent the day.
Know and Believe What is Good for You
Time spent with yourself will improve your knowledge of who you are and what you want out of life, which will help you make better decisions about who you prefer to be with. Remember that the next time you feel isolated or as though you’re missing out.
Use this time to better yourself.
You may have been reminding yourself for a long time that you should relieve yourself of those activities that once required you to leave for something. And what better time than this? Having alone time allows you to concentrate on yourself and all of your own to-do projects.
Improve Your Connections
Spending time by yourself is much simpler when you realise there are individuals who care. When this is not the case, being alone can be a very terrible prospect. A lack of understanding and commitment can make you feel less acknowledged, understood, valued, or certain that you have someone to contact if you need to. Improving your relationships—and focusing on the wonderful individuals who surround you—can help.