There is no one right way to do a healthy romantic relationship. Relationships can mean seeing each other every day, or being long distance, or having an open relationship, and so much more. But no matter how you want your relationship to be, communication is key. And with so many different forms of relationships, communication can be almost anything. One of the easiest ways to keep up good communication habits with your partner is through texting daily.
Daily texts are a great way to keep up with your partner throughout the day. It takes five seconds to send a text, and that message might be the one that makes your partners day. Texting requires almost no effort, but can be extremely important to healthy communication.
Communication is Everything

Relationships are all about communication. After all, how do you even have a relationship if you’re not communicating? Talking to each other is how you solve problems and learn new things about your partner. And any healthy relationship has good communication. But as to what makes up good communication, there are a lot of possibilities. Obviously speaking with someone face to face is one of the best ways to connect, but it is not always possible. What if you are in a long-distance relationship, or you have opposing schedules, or the relationship is still new?
When you live with your partner you can speak to them every day, but not everyone has that option. Plus living together doesn’t mean you need to stop texting. It is always nice to get an “I love you” text while at work. Texting daily is one of the easiest forms of communication that will keep you and your partner up to date on each other’s lives. It is especially nice for those with busy schedules who might not always have time for a long phone conversation, and need to squeeze bonding into their small moments between work.
It’s About the Small Stuff

Talking to your partner daily does not always have to be about the big stuff, such as your last fight or how your mother in law keeps nagging you. Despite movie relationships thriving on grand gestures and constant drama, that is not the reality for real relationships. Although having a passionate flame who you constantly break up with then get back together with can be fun for a time, it is not good for a longlasting relationship. This is not to say that there can’t be grand moments in a healthy relationship, there can be. But healthy relationships are far more comprised of everyday trivial things, than they are of grand romance.
Healthy relationships work because of all of the small, seemingly insignificant, things that go into them. It is about knowing what your partner had for lunch, or hearing about how annoying their daily commute is. Every day trivialities are what make up our entire existence. They might not be exciting, but they are real. Being there for your partner every day is what builds a strong relationship. You don’t need to have long drawn out conversations all the time, but you should check in with them regularly to make sure they are okay. If you really love someone and want to be with them, putting in the effort to hear about their daily trivialities matters.
It is One of the Easiest Ways to Make Time

Sending a text takes almost no time at all. You can do it in between business meetings, or on your walk to the water cooler, or while you’re stepping onto the subway. If you and your partner as busy people, texting is one of the easiest ways to solve daily communication issues. Once again, your texts don’t have to be huge messages either. A simple “Just checking in” or “I miss you” or a fun meme can make someone’s day. It takes a minimal amount of effort to show you care. And the benefits outway any frustration you may have about texting daily.
Texting can be Anything

In today’s world of modern technology, texting can be almost anything. Although speaking is humanity’s primary form of communication, it is not the only way to connect with someone. Emojis are one of the most under-appreciated forms of communication for the way they help express emotion. This is especially significant considering that texting can limit non-verbal communication. Visual expressions are a great form of communication. So why be limited to only words?
But why stop at just adding emojis? With today’s texting possibilities you can send pictures or videos, play games together, or share music. A text conversation can be a whole date is you put in the effort. Plus texting doesn’t have to be entirely over SMS. Go send each other some Snapchats or share some tiktoks. If you are bad at regularly texting you have so many other options for talking to your partner.