I remember when I thought drinking was so cool. I can also remember how easy it was to over-consume alcohol and then wake up regretting every life decision made in the past 12 hours. I found myself making choices while intoxicated that I wouldn’t make sober. And these choices were negatively affecting my life.
I cheated on boyfriends. I was mean to friends who loved me. I was overall not myself. One day, I woke up and decided something needed to change.
So I made a choice to stop drinking. I never had an issue with alcohol in terms of needing it. I just never knew when to stop. So I cut it out of my life cold turkey and it allowed me to become closer with myself and really find who I am.
Here is what taking a break from alcohol can do for you.
You Don’t Need It To Have A Good Time
Once I put down the drink I was worried that I would be lame or perceived that way. In fact, I did lose some friends when I made the decision. It was my senior year of college and I wasn’t interested in partying as much as I used to. I preferred a quiet night in, studying or watching the latest episode of The Office.
But I also discovered that there are people out there who enjoy the same things as I do, and that we can make our own fun. From movie nights to baking fun, I found people who had similar interests and thrived with them- without drinking.
Social Pressure Is Real
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if it wasn’t for the social pressure to drink, I would still probably be a sober Sally. But the reality is, it can be difficult to navigate the world without a drink. So I had to learn how to not consume too much and end up making bad decisions all over again. As our twenties are a learning experience, as I move away from that decade of my life, I see that drinking was a way for me to loosen up, to let go of my insecurities, and get out of my own way.
But taking a break from drinking allowed me to see that I can still be fun and have a good time without a drink in my hand. So now, at 29, I get to choose when and if I want to drink. When I go out, I am not ashamed to be drinking water with lemon instead of a vodka soda. While I can still get teased for my sober choices, I am confident and self-assured with myself that these things simply don’t bother me anymore.
You Get So Much More Back
Although you don’t have to be like me and quit drinking altogether, there are some benefits in limiting the amount you drink. From looking better to feeling better, alcohol does a number on your body and overall appearance. A simple trick to limit your alcohol consumption is to alternate your drinks when you go out. So let’s say you get a cocktail as your first drink, your next drink can be non-alcoholic and then you can switch back to an alcoholic drink and keep going like that throughout the night.
This is also a great way to ensure you stay hydrated throughout the evening as well.
At the end of the day, you are the only person that knows what is best for your body. In fact, you may feel great even after drinking an entire bottle of wine. But over-consumption of alcohol can lead to health problems and make your skin look old. All it takes in the proactive desire to make healthier choices when it comes to drinking that can change your world.
Give it a try and see what unfolds!