If you’re anything like me, Valentine’s Day is just another day. It’s February 14th- nothing special. But it seems like when you are in a relationship you HAVE to celebrate it. So much pressure is placed on finding the perfect gift for your S.O. But the reality is that you get to decide what you do on this day of love. And if you and your partner want to be chill and not do anything special, or maybe you, like me, live a busy life and planning anything for a Thursday night is simply too overwhelming, then joining the club of people who are NOT celebrating Valentine’s Day. Here are just some of the reasons why, even though I love my boyfriend, have zero plans to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Romance Should Be Celebrated Every Day
When you are secure in your relationship then you no longer need validation from a significant other about how much they love you. In fact, when you are confident in your relationship, absolutely nothing can get in the way- not even a hallmark holiday like Valentine’s Day. Love comes in a variety of forms. My boyfriend and I are a perfect example of that. We can be silly, we can be funny, we can literally be doing nothing together, we can get annoyed with one another, but at the end of the day, we love each other. Valentine’s Day is made out to be this day where the only kind of love that is celebrated is romantic love. But to be honest, my boyfriend and I are rarely cheesy with one another. I call him a low-key romantic- and for me, that’s the perfect kind.
It’s Just A Glorified Anniversary
My guy and I celebrate our anniversary in May. We also just had a romantic New Years just over a month ago. Our birthdays are in July and September. Do we really need another day to go out and spend money on one another? I don’t think so! Living in NYC is hard enough for millennials. Add in a S.O. and it can become a financial tornado. The last thing you want to do is argue with your boo over money issues because you just dropped a bunch of dough on ANOTHER gift for someone who you see almost every day?
It’s Too Much Pressure
Look, we all have pressure coming at us from all sides- work, parents, friends. It’s a whole thing. There is enough going on in the world today to stress us all out. But, why would you want to add pressure to something as precious as your romantic relationship? I sure don’t. While I am no longer super precious about sharing intimate details of my relationship, I don’t think it’s necessary to throw around the love I have for my boyfriend in everyone’s face. I know what we have is special. My boyfriend knows that our bond is unique. And we simply don’t feel the need to post the stereotypical Instagram post to remind people that our relationship is still going strong.
At the end of the day, relationships come in a variety of forms. My low-key romantic guy may end up surprising me. But, the plan is to avoid celebrating Valentine’s Day. While I myself have contemplated surprising him with a gift, I have settled on the fact that there is absolutely no need to do so, because I know that our relationship doesn’t need all the bells and whistles associated with February 14th. Instead, we are going to spend the weekend hanging out together and enjoying each other’s company- what we do every weekend.