Whenever we are shopping in certain stores we might find fake products. Especially if we’re in stores that aren’t department stores like Neiman Marcus, Macy’s, or Bloomingdales. Unfortunately, plenty of people buy fake products to avoid costly pricing but it’s not even worth it to do this. Whenever you shop for fake products, the material might be cheap or badly made, especially a Ferragamo belt.
Brands like Salvatore Ferragamo are luxury so people have a hard time wanting to spend. The reason these brands are so expensive is that they are made with the right quality and are worth the price, most of the time. For those who don’t want to feel victim to buying a fake Ferragamo belt, we outline how to spot a fake one.
Shop For A Ferragamo Belt At The Store
![Ferragamo Belt store](https://cdn.nygal.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20112341/shutterstock_1758520436.png)
One way to spot a fake Ferragamo belt is if you are shopping somewhere sketchy! Make sure when buying products from them that you are going to their actual store or a small store or a mall. A huge way of knowing you’re buying a fake product is if they’re selling on a little table in the street. Living in a big city we see a lot of people selling bags, belts, necklaces, and more outside, and most of those products are fake.
Even though these people are selling them for good prices you are risking buying something fake. Plenty of times people can spot fake products too and you don’t want anyone knowing you’re wearing fake fashions. Because of this save your money and stick to shopping at the Salvatore Ferragamo stores!
Check The Ferragamo Belt Buckle
![Ferragamo belt on Caroline Daur](https://cdn.nygal.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20112448/shutterstock_1321117748.png)
One of the most popular ways of spotting a fake is by checking the buckle. Whenever you wear a Ferragamo belt you will find that it has a double-A design to it, and the logo engraved. This buckle is famously called the “Gancini” inspired by the iron gates of the Palazzo Spini Feroni. One way to check if the buckle is legit is because the buckle is smooth and shiny, almost reflective, the fake is usually matte, and less shiny.
Also, the logo of the brand is engraved on the belt, the real one will have it in the same color as the material of the buckle. When it comes to the fake one they will possibly put the logo in black color and not the material of the buckle.
Looking Out For Fonts
Another tip is checking out the font, which many fake places tend to mess up. The font on these products is usually the biggest authenticator if the product is fake or not! When it comes to a Ferragamo belt the font is usually small and cursive, fake ones will have it different. Compare it to the real one with a photo or one you have in your closet and you will see a difference.
The Boxing Method
One of the most common ways of checking for a fake Ferragamo belt is the box it comes in. For many brands like Tiffany & Co, the box is always the most important part and what they’re famous for. Shopping for a Ferragamo belt the belt will come in a textured red box with white, flat, tiny letterings on it. Just like we mentioned before the lettering is the ultimate authentication that it’s a knockoff.
Make sure to check that the box is textured and dark red, with the Salvatore Ferragamo logo being white and flat. In plenty of fake belts, the box logo will instead be silver lettering, or the box won’t be textured.
Tips To Avoid A Fake Ferragamo Belt
![Ferragamo belt and suit](https://cdn.nygal.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20112612/shutterstock_1411894463.png)
Now that we know how to look out for a fake Ferragamo belt, let’s also look at tips to avoid it. One way which we talked about is shopping at the actual store for them and not going to street vendors. Also, make sure you are only shopping at their website and not going to third-party websites. Even though many luxury brands are partnered with certain stores where they sell their merchandise.
Aside from shady websites and street vendors, another way to avoid this is to look out for Amazon. Within the website make sure the product is coming from the actual vendor and the actual brand’s store, not another person. Also, look at the reviews and see what people say and the photos they put to avoid a knockoff product.
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