The streets of NYC are lined with restaurants and bars. It’s easy to just walk around the corner after work and grab a quick drink. I mean, who doesn’t love a good happy hour?
While we totally believe in a woman’s right to drink, excess alcohol can have negative side effects on the body. Have you ever wondered why you breakout soon after a night of drinking? It’s because alcohol affects your skin, organs, and sleeping habits. Here’s why you should cut back on alcohol consumption to keep your skin glowing and healthy:
Alcohol Creates Inflammation Of The Skin

Alcoholic beverages taste great, but they cause inflammation. This means that it makes your skin red, hot, and sometimes swollen. You won’t look too pretty the next morning.
Sure, you can take medication to treat skin inflammation; but mixing medication and alcohol is a huge no-no. We can’t even begin to explain how dangerous that is. To be on the safe side, drink in moderation.
Excess Alcohol Alters Blood Flow To The Skin

Excess alcohol causes blood vessels in the skin to widen. This means that more blood is flowing to the surface. You’ll feel flushed without even the benefits of a cute guy standing in front of you. Feeling flushed is also not a good thing because it can lead to broken capillaries on the face.
Broken capillaries on the face are small little lines blood vessels in the middle of your face. They can also be the result of many skin conditions, such as rosacea. Treatments for broken capillaries are usually expensive. Think laser therapy.
How do you prevent these blood vessels from appearing? Drink water instead of alcohol! Water also helps improve other skin conditions, so you’re killing two birds with one stone.
Alcohol Dehydrates The Skin

Some alcoholic beverages, such as beer, contain additives that add stress to the liver. The liver is the largest organ inside the body, so we depend on it for almost everything. A stressed liver leads to cell damage and dehydration. When your skin is dehydrated, it looks cracked and unhealthy.
Just like the liver is the largest internal organ, the skin is the largest organ outside the body. These two are important to maintain because you need a healthy liver void of cell damage to survive and healthy skin to feel beautiful. Don’t spend hundreds of dollars on skin treatments when you can naturally achieve beautiful skin by monitoring what you put in your body.
Excess Alcohol Results In Ugly Pimples

Alcoholic beverages are filled with sugar. Remember the time when you said you’d have just one margarita, and then that one margarita turned into four margaritas? Yeah, you just drank a bunch of sugar and calories. Excess sugar causes breakouts you don’t need.
If you are going to drink, opt for a drink low in sugar. Red wine is low in sugar and actually has some benefits for your body. White wine is also a good choice if you choose a dry brand. Dry white wine, such as Sauvignon Blanc, is a better choice than a sweet Moscato. Pick and choose your battles when drinking alcohol.
Is It Possible To Drink Without Ruining The Skin?

Of course! We’re not saying you should never drink alcohol. Sometimes, it’s the only thing that keeps us sane after a long day at the office. However, we do think that you should drink in moderation. Limit yourself to two drinks maximum when you go out. Also, drink water to stay hydrated throughout the night.
If you just can’t give up your alcoholic beverages, check out our guide to essential oils for the skin. We understand that some habits are just too hard to break.