Fluctuating sexual drives during pregnancy can be attributed to the increase and decrease in libido. During the third trimester, when you are 28 weeks pregnant, the increase in libido could increase your arousal level. Seducing your husband when you are 28 weeks pregnant is a relatively difficult task. Often, men are scared of harming the baby in the last semester, which stops them from feeling attracted towards their partners.
This article aims to debunk the common misconceptions relating to sex in the third trimester. It provides a detailed overview of the effect of pregnancy on sex drive, safety, and some tips for seducing your husband at times when you feel exceptionally attracted to him.
Effects of Pregnancy on Sex Drives When You’re 28 Weeks Pregnant
During certain days, the sexual drive of a woman sees a sudden spike. The rising levels of progesterone (a hormone secreted by ovaries to support the embryo’s growth) and estrogen (a hormone that maintains and develops reproductive systems) are responsible for this. At 28 weeks pregnant, the blood flows at a higher rate to a woman’s genitals, leading to heightened sexual sensitivity.
On the contrary, physical changes in the body such as grown belly, stress, fatigue, and nausea result in physical distress that reduces sexual drive. Many women experience low self-esteem and depression when they are 28 weeks pregnant. The hormonal changes inevitably take a toll on your sex life.
How Does Your Body React to the Hormonal Changes?
The reaction of every woman is different to such hormonal changes. A traditionally believed graph of the sexual drive shows that a woman’s sexual desire decreases in the first and third trimester while being the highest in the second one.
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How to Bond With Your Husband During Pregnancy?

As an expectant mother, you might find it hard to believe that you will not be pregnant forever! It’s just a matter of a couple of weeks. However, if you stay positive, pregnancy can be the best time to bond with your partners while you both prep up for the major shift in the relationship!
- Getaway for the weekend or plan a staycation, even if it’s a short or unplanned one.
- Learn together about your baby’s development and what changes to expect in your body.
- Be open to listening to him and understanding his feelings.
- Ask for his help and support.
- Be honest and realistic about your expectations from yourself and your partner.
Is sex safe during pregnancy?
Often, couples refrain from sexual intimacy during pregnancy. This becomes applicable during the third trimester when they become extra careful about the baby. However, experts are of a different opinion.
If there are no complications in your pregnancy as checked by your General Practitioner (GP), you are encouraged to follow your pre-pregnancy sex life. If your body and mind feel ready for it, you can go for it. This fact holds true for sex during the first and last trimester of pregnancy.
During the last semester, sex might become difficult with the grown size of your belly. At this time, to avoid discomfort, couples must experiment with different sex positions to understand which one feels the most comfortable to them.

A question commonly mentioned in the lists of frequently asked questions of gynecologists and obstetricians is – “Is sex safe when 28 weeks pregnant?”
The experts say that unless your general practitioner recommends against it, sex during pregnancy is safe. Many men refrain from sexual activities, especially penetrative ones. They are afraid to hit the child while penetrating, but this is far from the truth.
Experts say that a woman’s cervix gives a secure barrier between the vagina and baby to protect the child from harm. Generally, no sexual position is harmful to the baby or the mother at 28 weeks pregnant. Despite this, many doctors recommend avoiding positions where the mother is lying flat on her back.
This is recommended for the period from the early second trimester until childbirth. At this time, a woman’s uterus is heavier and larger than its usual conditions.
Laying down on your back can increase the pressure on your aorta (located in the heart). This could disturb the flow of blood to the placenta when you are 28 weeks pregnant. Avoiding this, if possible the partners can try spooning (sexual position).
Seducing Your Husband When You Are 28 Weeks Pregnant

Even if you feel that your body is doing much more than your partner, understanding his share of efforts is vital to building a rock-solid relationship. Your partner will feel sexually attracted to you when he is comfortable with the relationship between you. Frequent sex is essential to reassess your bond while reassuring that the partners are on the same page.
The first step to seduce your husband is to know that you don’t have to build the mood or get him excited. Consider this as an opportunity to connect on an intimate level with your partner. Be honest about how you’re feeling at the time, even if it is negative. Read some books about sex during pregnancy and talk to your husband about making him more comfortable.
Tips For Safe Sex During Pregnancy

Communication is the most crucial factor for having a comfortable sexual experience for both partners. Being open to changes and speaking about honest feelings could increase the ultimate satisfaction levels.
If you or your partner is uncomfortable with penetrative sex when you are 28 weeks pregnant, experimenting with non-penetrative sex could be the right choice. You can also try it to mix things up. Experts recommend women ask their partner to go slow during sex as the sensation levels could vary significantly for a woman’s body. Going slow could help in deciding what movement feels better and what does not.
Instead of worrying about your increasing body size at 28 weeks pregnant, you must know that your body is perfect. Feeling confident and optimistic can increase your sexual satisfaction by a significant proportion.
Let’s be real; pregnancy can be rough. As an expectant mother, it’s your time to relax and feel special at 28 weeks pregnant! But, don’t forget the emotional needs of your partner! Sex or no sex, it’s undoubtedly the best time to support each other and practice teamwork. After all, this will go a long way, extending up to the post-pregnancy period.
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