There has always been a certain stigma surrounding sex workers in the U.S. This is due to a multitude of reasons including sex trafficking, STIs/STDs, and infidelity. However, at NYgal, we believe that a woman’s choice on how she provides for herself is hers and hers only.
NYgal recently had the opportunity to discuss the controversy with a professional in the sex working industry and find out a little more about what she does on the day-to-day.
How Did You Get Started In This Business?
Well, I take pride in being a well-rounded individual so I’m always striving to read up and gain a better understanding of what is going on in the world.
I came across a book penned by a former companion and what started as simply a fascinating read turned into a deeper intrigue and desire to try it out for myself.
I always say that I’ll try anything once, so I did and well, clearly I’ve enjoyed it enough to continue. It is certainly not for everyone, but I thrive on adventure.
Could You Give Us A Step-By-Step Example Of Meeting With A Client?
All my meetings with clients are different. They are also completely private and my integrity does not allow me to go into further details. I firmly believe that privacy is of equal importance for both parties involved.
This is largely due to the stigma this industry holds in the U.S. among a plethora of other reasons. I wouldn’t want my doctor or lawyer disclosing our meetings, so why should this be any different?
I can, however, provide a vague idea of what meetings with clients have been like for me: I’ve had the pleasure of indulging in a variety of cuisines I may not have had the opportunity to try otherwise.
My wine knowledge has grown extensively, and I’ve gotten killer stock tips. Most importantly, during these meetings, I’ve gotten to know and care a great deal about my clients.
People think of this job as tawdry, and like anything else, it can be. In today’s world, we’re seeing how even the highest office in the land can be seedy. As a provider, I’m a caregiver, confidante, and friend. It’s not just about sex–I have formed genuine friendships through the business.
How Do You Feel About The Work You Do?
I genuinely love it. It’s kind of like a secret alter ego, where I get to express sides of me I may choose to hold back and conceal in my daily life. Best of all, I never get bored of it.
Personally, I’ve got other career goals that I am working towards but at this time, this is what makes me happy. My favorite part is the opportunity to meet a variety of interesting people and to mutually brighten up each other’s days.
Have You Come Across Any Negative Opinions About Your Work?
Of course! I’m extremely fortunate that the SW community is so supportive of each other. I’ve got a very small but beyond incredible circle of friends both in the industry and outside of it who I can always depend on to listen.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, I choose to not engage with close-minded people. I’m eternally grateful that the friends I have, who know about my work and never judge.
There seems to be this wide-spread opinion that this job is so awful and evil. Opinions make it seem as though we are forced to do this, yet all my friends in the industry are bright, well-adjusted individuals so I do not understand the necessity for such negative portrayal.
Why Do You Do What You Do?
Many reasons to be honest. A major reason for me is that it allows me the flexibility to be able to work on my other projects, travel, and continue to set new goals for the future.
I find complacency absolutely dull and tend to get restless. Again, everyone is different so this is my opinion and I don’t mean to offend anyone who feels otherwise.
Have You Ever Had Any Negative Experiences On The Job?
I don’t believe there is a single person who can say they have never had a negative experience in any job. As far as myself, I am very selective about who I spend my time with. I also do not see anyone if I’m not feeling well or if I’m stressed out.
Methods such as screening new friends to ensure they are not dangerous and making self-care a priority have helped me have about a 1% ratio of negative experiences in correlation to 99% positive ones.
Although I always seem to find the best in people, sometimes you cannot avoid a negative experience simply due to a lack of chemistry. It can be tough to break the ice when it’s the first meeting and both parties are nervous. I’m confident and outgoing but I do get nervous, awkward, and self-conscious because I am human after all!
However, there aren’t many things more satisfying than when both parties rid themselves of the awkward tension and enjoy each other’s company, later laughing off the initial nervousness.
Any Positive Or Liberating Experiences On The Job?
Absolutely. I’m my own boss, I choose who I see and what we do or do not do when we meet. If someone is rude, I can kindly excuse myself without fear of getting fired, which is completely the opposite of if I was working in a corporate job. Again, no offense, I respect ALL work, I just used corporate for comparison because of that whole “the customer is always right” crap.
Positive and liberating experiences? Gosh, there are countless. The people whom I have chosen to provide companionship to have, for the most part, been far more respectful of my time and me as a person than say 95% of guys currently on Tinder.
What Is A Message You’d Like To Express To The Readers?
Choosing to provide companionship is NOT equivalent to human trafficking. It’s beyond sick that trafficking still goes on and it needs to be stopped, however, I find the way the U.S. government has chosen to “solve” this to be appalling and counter-productive.
The recent legislation FOSTA/SESTA was passed under the guise that it would help put an end to trafficking, and while it was done with good intentions, it has actually made things far more dangerous.
This legislation has taken away our ability to properly screen people and has damaged a ton of people’s lives, with girls disappearing or getting hurt at an alarming rate.
It also took away our ability to advertise online, making some SWers scared and desperate – causing them to take risks that they otherwise wouldn’t have had to; meanwhile, there are scary people preying on those that do so.
I’m aware that many people have a problem with SWers for their own reasons, however, I believe everyone deserves companionship and some positive energy and we do not deserve to be put into danger and ostracized for providing that companionship while making a living.