There are more than 12.3 million women-owned companies in the U.S. In 2018, these businesses generated $1.8 trillion in sales. Over the years, more women have ventured into industries that were previously dominated by men–like tech and finance.
The advancement of technology has also made it easy for women to launch businesses, whether part-time or full-time. So, if you’re thinking of starting a business, you’re in good company. Here are some ideas you can draw inspiration from.
1. Design-Related Businesses
Whether it’s interior design, graphic design, or web design, you can easily start a design-related business. It helps to have some professional skills, so make sure you know what you’re doing–or hire someone who does. Women naturally have an eye for design and color, and this gives them an edge.
You can start an interior design firm and make spaces beautiful and functional. If you are good at graphic design, you can launch a business that creates logos, infographics, or advertisements. You can also learn how to code and basic web design and start a business in the lucrative tech industry.
But it’s worth mentioning that code academies are expensive. Tuition ranges between $5000 and $20,000. To some, this may seem like an unachievable amount, but it pays to be resourceful. You can try to work on Uber, try gigs through Fiverr, or even take out car title loans online and get a small loan. Coders are in demand, so it won’t be hard to find a job once you’re done. The national average salary for a coder is $48,381 per year, and if you specialize in a certain area of coding, you can get paid more.

2. Writing and Blogging
Women dominate the blogging industry and currently make up about 62.9% of US bloggers, surpassing the number of male bloggers by a huge margin. In 2021, remote working is the norm and some companies are completely virtual. So, if you’re working from home and have a lot of time on your hands, you can start blogging on the side.
You can also become a full-time blogger and writer. Many bloggers earn about $2,000 per month, so making money won’t be a problem if you pick this industry. You can blog about anything–pets, fashion, finance, skincare, or relationships. But to make money, you have to monetize your blog.
3. Digital Marketing
The digital marketing industry is estimated to be worth over $300 billion globally. Every business today uses some form of digital marketing, whether it’s social media, email marketing, or paid ads. You can start a digital marketing firm and specialize in SEO consulting, content marketing, web-based advertising, and social media marketing.
And to make your customers loyal, you can offer some free services. For instance, you can offer freemium social media marketing services to companies to increase their social media presence. The best thing about this type of business is you can work from anywhere.

4. Art and Creative Businesses
If you are artsy and creative, you can earn good money from your skills. Creative jobs can pay very well if monetized the right way. You can turn your passion–such as baking or photography–into profit. You can start the business online or offline and become successful if you market it well.
These types of businesses don’t require a lot of capital to set up. You only need to promote the business on the web, e-commerce platforms, and online marketplaces like Amazon Handmade. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can also be very helpful when you’re marketing your business. They’ve served as launching pads for many businesses.
About The Author:
Adam Smith is a content writing guru at Contenterist. He is adept in IT as well. He loves to write on different topics. In his free time, he likes to travel and explore different parts of the world