Super Shoes sells all kinds of shoes, running, work, casual, sandals, slippers, and more. A great thing about the brand is that they sell really affordable shoes too compared to other retailers. Usually, the more expensive brands sell expensive shoes because of the fact they are well-known name brands. Companies like Nike, Rebook, Adidas, and more tend to sell at higher costs too.
Even though Super Shoes isn’t known as much as these brands we just named, they can definitely be worth the price and it’s always a great idea to test out new brands.
If you want to know more about the shoes, keep on reading because we take a look at how Super Shoes compared to other retailers price-wise and why you should invest in them.
Women’s Runner Shoes

Super Shoes sell women runner shoes at a much affordable price than other big-name brands. For example, these new balance runner dark gray sneakers are only $59.98 which is a steal when looking at runners from other brands. In Nike, you would have to pay for runner shoes in the $100-300 price ranges depending on the sneaker. When it comes to running shoes, Super Shoes win in affordability.
Wear the above sneakers for a run in your favorite park or wear them to go hiking. These are specifically for running so you know you can do all your athletic activities comfortably. Style them with a matching all grey workout outfit or an all black tracksuit too for a stylish athletic apparel.
Nursing Shoes For Work

Nursing shoes are hard to find, they are made specifically for those in the medical field who need comfortable shoes. Women everywhere in this field tend to wear clogs or crocs because other shoes are not great for 8-20 hour shifts. Super Shoes sell pretty affordable clogs that are also comfortable, price range wise they have similar prices to other brands that have clogs too.
Women’s Sandals For The Summer

One last shoe to compare prices to other brands is sandals. With Super Shoes, you are sure to get affordable sandals because they sell them at really great prices. Some brands overdo it with price and the shoes don’t even last or aren’t good quality. Super Shoes sandals are stylish and don’t break the bank, such as the Jellypop sandals above that are only $20!
Many brands like Forever 21 and h&m sell sandals at these prices too but the quality isn’t the same and the sandal might not last.
Wear the Jellypop sandals with a cute matching brown or nude blouse on top that will make the shoes stand out. Also, these can be worn almost anywhere because they are easy to put on and slide so you can just pop them on and go.
Super Shoes Prices Versus Quality

When looking at affordability we also have to look at quality too. There are brands that sell affordable shoes, but the quality is terrible or the shoe is made with bad materials and breaks or tears. Super Shoes tend to have good reviews on their shoes, for most of them, you will find that they have at least 4 stars out of 5 in reviews which means people tend to have good experiences.
Style the above sandals with a cute black summer dress this year, also they can be styled with a romper as well. They are perfect to wear in the daytime and the nighttime because they can be both a casual sandal and a festive sandal so you are getting two types of shoes at an affordable price.
Affordable and Also Durable

in the color brown
Aside from quality one thing we also look at when looking at good prices shoes is durability. We would rather spend more money on shoes if we know they are long-lasting versus paying a cheaper price and then they rip in just a couple of months. Durability is important because we want them to last a while. Super Shoes due to the good quality last you a while, so you will be rocking them for a while and you don’t have to break the bank.
One shoe to shop with this brand is their booties, like the one above. These lame fleece booties in chestnut are perfect for the winter or fall weather when we need our feet warm and want them to be comfortable too. Style them with some cute loungewear this upcoming fall or winter or wear them out with some cute jeans and a teddy coat.
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