Getting into shape requires extreme motivation. No matter if you’re just starting out on your fitness journey and your biggest struggle is getting your half-awake (and a bit hungover- let’s be honest) self to hit the elliptical for a quick 30 minutes, or if you’re a seasoned fitness competition babe who lifts like it’s nothing- motivation plays a key role.
Martine McKinney is a certified personal trainer, located in NYC, with a passion for fitness and motivating the rest of us to get out there and go hard!
NYgal was lucky enough to get the opportunity to ask her a few questions about how to get on-point at the gym.
Could You Tell Us a Bit About Your Background and How Your Passion for Fitness Began?
I have a Bachelors in Psychology from NYU and have been a NASM certified personal trainer for a little over 3 years now.
My passion for fitness began when I was a junior in college. I struggled with depression and an ex-boyfriend at that time told me to "get up and go to the gym, or something."
It was a bit of tough love but it motivated me to at least get on the stair master and start climbing as high as I could. Then I began getting interested in getting out of the cardio room, which is where most girls feel comfortable.
I asked my boyfriend to show me some weightlifting exercises. He would constantly say I wouldn’t be able to lift certain weights and so I became discouraged.
Then I decided to do the research and learn on my own. Quickly I out-lifted him, found my strength, and decided I wanted to help others find theirs.
What Does Your Diet Consist of?
Foods I eat on a day-to-day basis are usually in the clean realm. I particularly love brussel sprouts, arugula, tomatoes, mandarin oranges, bananas, oatmeal, mangoes, passion fruit, trail mix, salmon, sushi, and quinoa. Also berries!
I make sure to stay extra hydrated with green, ginger, or turmeric tea, kombucha, and water. I add some lemon to make it more refreshing!
What Do You Consider the Most Important Part of Your Workout?
The most important part of my workout is the plyometric exercises, such as burpees and squat jumps. This is the chance to get your heart rate up with full body movement, and it gives you that extra boost in your muscles that you work with resistance exercises.
How Do You Motivate Yourself to go to the Gym When You Just Really Don’t Feel Like Going?
When I don’t feel like going to the gym I motivate myself through self-talk. Sometimes people get so bogged down in thinking about what they’re going to do that they wasted all this time they could’ve spent just doing. So, I just do it.
The biggest excuse for not going to the gym is tiredness or not enough time, but when you notice that the chemicals that are released during exercise give you more energy, or the amount of time you spent on your phone scrolling through Instagram is equivalent to the time you need for a great workout, you just get up and do it.
Is There a Specific Training Technique or Workout That you Enjoy and Recommend in Particular?
The specific training method that I enjoy is strength training and plyometric exercises. I recommend this because it is the most efficient in terms of toning, power, and burning calories.
I also just love to move from running or dancing or whatever, just keeping that body moving is so important.
How Does Your Belief For Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Fitness Play a Part in Your Workouts?
My belief for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual fitness plays a vital role in my workouts because it all needs to be balanced in order to progress.
For example: When I’m about to do a heavy deadlift it’s important that I prep my mind first. If I go in thinking I can’t, then I won’t. If I go in thinking I can do all things, that I am strong, that this is just a weight and my body is a machine – I will lift it.
The NYgal Workout
Personalized for the busy NYgal by our lovely fitness babe Martine McKinney!
Side Plank (each side 30 seconds for 3 sets)
World’s Greatest Stretch (10 each side for 3 sets)
Mountain Climbers (30 seconds for 3 sets)
Workout (include 30-second rest between sets):
Plank Bird Dog (15 each side for 3 sets)
Leg Raises (20 for 3 sets)
Burpees (10 for 3 sets)
Glute Bridges (15 for 3 sets)
Curtsy Lunge (15 for 3 sets)
Squat Jumps (30 reps)
Cool Down:
Static Stretch / Foam Roll
Feature image credit: [Martine McKinney]