‘Did my post get enough likes?’ ‘Oh, look at another post from Kendall.” ‘Ugh, I’m so bored. Let me check out some reels.’ Isn’t this something that occupies most of our days? All those precious hours that we get every day end up getting wasted on social media. Yes, social media has been helpful in a number of ways. But to say that it has more beneficial qualities than pitfalls would be a lie we’d be telling ourselves. In today’s world, where everybody is connected via the internet, the hold these social networking sites have on us is insane and non-negligible. They have us in such a strong chokehold that we don’t even realize that our minds are totally consumed by these sites and apps. And what happens thereafter? We have mood swings, irritation, a detachment from reality, insecurities, and whatnot. Sure, we’re all connected to each other via these apps, but they’re also quite the reason why we’re disconnected from ourselves. And then our minds demand a detox, a break from keeping up with what is going around, and we just focus on ourselves. And how do we do that? To enlighten yourselves on this, check out some of the ways to give your mind a social media detox the right way. Let’s go!
Decrease your screen time:
As soon as you realize that you are on an unhealthy social media usage cycle, the first thing to do is to decrease your screen time. If you’re used to giving 10–12 hours a day to meaningless social media scrolling, decrease it to 1-2 hours. Doing so abruptly might be a little weird since this is not something you are used to. But the need for self-control is a must. You can set reminders as to when to stop letting your valuable time slip away. This is a helpful trick that a lot of people use when they find themselves unable to stop scrolling and unnecessarily posting.

Develop a new hobby:
Remember what life was like before social media existed? When we had all the time in the world. What did we do back then? We used to do what we enjoyed doing. For some, it was dancing; for others, it was reading; for some, it was painting; and for others, it was cycling or swimming. The list was never-ending. But all of these hobbies were certainly soul-satisfying and relaxing. So when you’re off those sites, sit with yourself and spend that remaining time doing activities that actually rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul and are also fruitful in some way or another. Trust me, the amount of peace you’ll be getting is inexplicable.
Spend time with your loved ones:
The one thing that is more valuable than anything else in the world is your family, and that not only consists of your biological family but all of the people in your life that you hold close to your heart. All of the people who you know you could run to at any time of the day, whatever the situation might be, and you just know that they’d be there for you We might be connected to our long-distance relationships via the internet, but the ones that are right beside us often go neglected in the meanwhile. When you’re trying to forge bonds with people that you do not even see every day, the ones that you actually come home to are left feeling uncared for. Realize the value that everything holds in your life. Your kinship, your gang, deserves the most of you—more than the random strangers you come across on the internet and may never even see or speak to again.

Every coin has two sides. Every situation has multiple aspects. Social media is no exception. The way we have been able to connect with one another, express our views and opinions to the world around us, and even get accepted for it, is truly appreciable. Technology has gotten us so far and done so much for us. The way the world has become one is something nobody would have imagined centuries ago. But it does indeed have a downside, regardless. The headaches, sore eyes, irritated behavior, and distance in relationships are also, to quite an extent, the blessings of this far-fetched technology and science. And all of this does nothing but drain every drop of spirit and lightheadedness from us. So dear little human, hold yourself and take good care of yourself, for everything around is precious because of you.