Have you ever gone on a date that you thought was amazing, but at the end of it your date didn’t kiss you goodnight?
These moments make you wonder if the date was only good on your end. Maybe he’s not into you as much as you thought. We know you probably go to the worst case scenario, but there may be a good reason for you not receiving that kiss.
We, at NYGal, are here to help you through this difficult decision with tips on what to do when your date doesn’t plant one on you.
Wait It Out And See If He Calls

Waiting by the phone is excruciating but in this case, it’s best to just wait to see what happens. Many times we overthink certain situations and are quick to jump to conclusions. When you do this, you’re setting yourself up for the worst possible result.
Wish him goodnight and go home. If he doesn’t call, let it go and move on to the next one. If he does, then you can do your happy dance and schedule the next date. There are so many reasons why a guy doesn’t kiss you on the first date. Perhaps he’s shy or maybe he likes to take things slow. Whatever his reason is, give him the benefit of the doubt.
Offer A Hug And See If It Goes Further

Some guys need a little push to kiss on the first date. They fear rejection and don’t want to mess things up. In this case, lean in for a hug when he takes you home. This shows him that you’re interested and don’t mind getting close to him. Go for the flirty hug around his neck instead of the awkward one arm hug.
Remember how your parents used to tell you that hugging leads to other things? Turns out they were right. There’s a high chance that if you hug your date, he’ll finish it with a kiss.
See Also: How to Bail When a Date Turns…uhh, Horrible !
Make The First Move

If you’re confident enough, go in for the kiss yourself. If you really like him, there’s no shame in being the one to make the first move. Some guys are afraid to kiss on the first date because they think it makes them look too forward. You might feel like it will make you look bad if you make the first move, but 9 times out of 10, your date will be impressed.
Also, if he wasn’t feeling you before, he’ll probably like you more after the kiss (if you’re not a terrible kisser). It’ll show him that you know what you want and aren’t afraid to get it. In the event that he doesn’t appreciate your gesture and totally rejects you, then you don’t want him anyway. Don’t waste any more of your time on him.
Ask Him For It

If you’re not comfortable making the first move, just ask him for the kiss. How will he know you want it if you don’t ask? Let’s be honest, many of us suck at dating; It’s normal. First dates are nerve-wracking and the last thing we want to worry about is which one will lean in for the kiss first.
Be direct and ask for what you want. If he looks at you like you’re crazy, run…run fast! Don’t embarrass yourself further; but if he’s on the same page as you, he’ll be glad you took the pressure off of him.
Remember to do what feels comfortable for you and don’t panic. Just because he doesn’t automatically kiss you, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t want a second date.