When you are out for a day on the beach because you want to enjoy the sun and the sand, there is nothing that makes you more conscious than having hard and erect nipples. Sometimes, you do not even have to be wearing skimpy clothing for your hard nipples to protrude. This is actually a fairly common experience for many women, especially those at the peak of their hormonal imbalances.
There are many different reasons why women could be having nipples that are constantly hard — some are derived from more internal, physiological conditions. Other reasons are caused by external factors which we will be discussing in greater detail. Here are some of the most common reasons why women have nipples that are constantly hard.
Among those physiological conditions that we mentioned earlier — arousal is probably the most common reason why women could be experiencing constantly hard nipples. Because you are likely and you are more mature years, It is reasonable to assume that you are already aware of the fact that your nipple is an erogenous zone that is very sensitive.
When the nipples are stimulated, arousal will follow shortly after. This can also work the other way, because if a woman feels aroused then that could be the reason why the nipples go hard. In order to tell if the reason for your hard nipples is arousal, you should monitor yourself if you feel some of the other symptoms of arousal such as a faster heartbeat, have your breathing, becoming more flushed, or even being wet downstairs. If you experience one or two of the symptoms along with your hard nipples, you are most likely just aroused.
This reason was probably the most common because we have all experienced it before, men and women. You are probably already aware of those occasions when you go out to the beach and the water is a little bit too cold and you go out on the water only to be teased by your friends with the words the water must be cold, isn’t it? This can also happen when the air outside is a little bit too chilly. Going to the air conditioning is turned on too low.
This is only because the nipples have certain nerves that react to call the temperature. These are actually the same nerves that cause people to have goosebumps. The reason why this reaction can only be derived from colder temperatures is debatable but one thing is for sure, heat does not cause a similar reaction so it is definitely only due to lower temperatures.

The nipple is becoming more erect is a natural reaction from the body when it anticipates breastfeeding. This is partially due to the hormone known as prolactin. if you think about it, the reason is fairly simple. When a baby wants to drink milk from the mother’s breast — the baby would have a rather difficult time finding the nipple if it is not completely hard. The hormones connected to motherhood, therefore, would cause the nipples to become or wrecked in anticipation of this.
Post Menstrual Syndrome
Postmenstrual syndrome is also a very common reason for erect breasts and nipples. Similar to PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, post menstrual syndrome has many of the same effects. One of these symptoms of course is having nipples that are constantly hard and tender.
It is easy to find out if your hard nipples are because of postmenstrual syndrome because you would be experiencing all of the other common symptoms of this condition such as bloating, lethargy, headaches, cramps, having a low sex drive, and a constant state of constipation or diarrhea.
We talked about how there are reasons for your nipple to become erect other than ones that are purely physiological, but because of something external. One of these external causes is having a piercing. One of the reasons why your nipple becomes constantly hard when you have them pierced is because they become far more sensitive and tender.
When there are external stimuli, therefore, they will be quicker to react and become harder. We have already talked about how nipples are very erogenous. Having them pierced, therefore, is just like having them constantly being touched by something. Thus, they will be erect far more often.
So if you find that your nipples are constantly hard, it is most likely because of one of these causes. There is nothing wrong with having nipples that are always hard from a physiological point of view, however, so all you really need to do to save yourself the embarrassment is wear a bra with thicker padding. Also, try to keep yourself warm at all times to make sure that the cold doesn’t stimulate those special nerve endings in your nipples.
Whatever reason, just know that nipples are not something to be ashamed about. You do not have to be embarrassed when your nipples are constantly hard because it just shows that you are someone that can support life’s most precious resource — life itself.
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