You know the adage, what’s your sign? Even if you don’t put much stock in astrology, you should know what your compatible signs are. Astrology for the past three years has been a booming part of the wellness industry. Millennials consume their horoscopes like they do their daily vitamins. The signs help direct people in their self-improvement and can offer them insights about the world around them. Also, they offer tools for unlocking people’s love lives (steamy).
The twelve astrological signs are distinguished by the four elements: earth, wind, fire, and water. Signs are also ascribed as being cardinal, fixed, or muted. These factors all culminate in how a person approaches or reacts to things, which will, in turn, affect if two signs are compatible.
Of course, astrology is not a hard science. You shouldn’t end a relationship because someone is not your compatible sign. Rather, it is beneficial to then learn how you might not be compatible. By doing this, you’ll better understand their wants and needs, as well as your own. There is no such thing as a perfect match. However, there are truths to the things we do not completely understand, like attraction and love.
Below are 7 reasons why you should know your compatible sign and why you should never date a Scorpio (just kidding).
7. Knowing Your Compatible Signs is Fun!
If words like ascending and cardinal are above your head, no worries. Astrology is for everyone at any level. Basic understanding will tell you that your sun sign represents you daily personality and your moon sign reflects your emotional nature. Most people are familiar with their sun sign, which is one of the twelve zodiac signs that prescribe to the movement of celestial bodies like the sun and moon. For perspective, Chinese astrology operates not on space but time, like the year you were born. The year 2020 will be the Year of the Rat.
There are six pairs of opposing astrological signs. So two opposite signs like Leo and Aquarius can be compatible signs based on the two individual’s rising moons. Sign compatibility gets pretty in-depth. People who give readings sometime also factor in the birthplace and time of birth.
There’s a lot to learn but knowing about zodiacs is ultimately fun! It can change the way you look at life and the people around you. It’s also fun to read articles based on your zodiac like what major should you choose or what color to paint your bedroom.
6. You Can Use a Dating App with a Star Sign Filter
Bumble in 2019, released a feature where you can screen matches based on compatible signs. As it turns out, the pick-up line “what’s your sign,” is not so bad after all because it initiates conversations. A study of 40M users by the UK dating app Jaumo found in 2018 that Scorpions were the most liked sign and Sagittarius the least. If you know your compatible sign, you can use Bumble’s star sign filter. You can avoid those monotone dates with those dry Capricorns, distracted by work emails.
5. You’ll Learn What Are Not Your Compatible Signs

Chances are if you know your compatible signs, you’ll likely have a sense of your incompatible ones. It is typically encouraged for elements to seek like elements like earth-to-earth and air-to-air. It helps to think of the natural elements and their properties. Fire and air tend to complement one another (flame). Water to earth is beneficial like rain (helps plants grow). Whereas, fire tends to scorch the earth and extinguishes water.
So, a fire match like an Aries and Sagittarius can be harmonious because both signs are adventurous, fun-loving, and outgoing. Cancer with their watery emotions and Aries could be incompatible because of the water and fire dynamic. But the pairing is solid for the contrast in differences. Opposites due attract.
If you are ever in the Czech Republic, The Prague Astrological Clock is the world’s oldest operating clock created in 1410. Seen in the image above, it’s magnificent and features all twelve signs.
4. It’s Helpful to Known How Your Sign Responds to Conflict
For example, Taurus and Virgo are both earth, mutable signs and are esteemed as compatible. In an argument, Taurus signs have a bullish mentality and an argument could easily turn into a standoff. Virgos are logical and detail-oriented. In a conflict between the two, Virgo requires some due diligence as to why the conflict occurred. And Taurus requires comfort in knowing that the conversation will not jeopardize the stability of the relationship. If you want to know how Taurus fairs with opposing sign Aries, read our article. (Don’t worry there’s hope.)
It is useful to understand how you problem-solve, as well as your partner’s approach. Because any successful relationship boils down to more than sign compatibility; a successful partnership is maintained by strong lines of open communication.

3.You’ll Better Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses
No sign is perfect. Leos are loving and loyal, but are also characterized for their narcissism and need for the spotlight. Libras are balanced and amenable but also extremely indecisive. Once you understand your sign’s element, you’ll understand your shortcomings and how the rest of the world views you. That way you can be a stronger partner to your sign.
2. Zodiac Signs Can Affect Our Lives
It’s psychology. Corporations often have their employees take personality tests because humans are study-able. With examination, you might notice certain patterns in your life, like what signs you engage in friendships with and what signs you tend to date.
1. You’ll Learn More About YOU
You should embrace learning your zodiac’s compatible signs because ultimately astrology can help us grow and evolve in our perceptions of our selves. Even if you don’t value the information provided by astrology, you’ll gain self-awareness in how others might view you.