When it comes to clubbing in NYC, it can be a total hit or miss. That’s why we have put together this ultimate guide to help you make your night out memorable, fun, and super smooth. Because there are a lot of factors that can get overlooked when you’re rubbing up against what’s-his-name and downing your third vodka-cran of the night.
These are the important things to think of when you’re planning a night out in NYC. It can seem a bit overwhelming at first. So, luckily for you, we broke it down into a super easy formula.
Follow these steps and you will be living your best life dancing the night away with your closest girlfriends. Just be sure to get a nice nap in before you head out. You don’t want to tire out before the rest of your crew!
Here is how to go clubbing in NYC the right way:
Pick A Place

There a million trillion places to go clubbing in NYC. So, how do you know which one is going to be a good time and which ones are going to be flops? Research. By researching your options beforehand, you will get a better sense of what you’re in for.
To help you narrow it down, first, pick an area you like. This could be East Village or the financial district or any other area in NYC.
Then scope out the clubs in that area. Read reviews on Google and Yelp. A lot of times these reviews have helpful information about covers and busy times for the club. Also, be sure to look at the images associated with the club’s site and the reviews.
This will give you a better understanding of the nature and vibe of the establishment. This will make it easier to decide if you want to spend the majority of your night there.
Pick An Outfit

Once you’ve picked a place to go clubbing in NYC, it’s time for the perfect outfit. Deciding on your outfit is hard, especially if you’re unsure of the weather for that particular day. But, do your best to plan ahead so that you are not rushing last minute and destroying your closet in hopes of finding that LBD.
By knowing what place you will be attending that night, and looking at photos taken at that location, it will be easier to choose an outfit that will fit in but also ‘pop.’
You don’t want to be a wallflower, but you also don’t want to seem completely out of place. Choose a healthy medium and rock what you’ve got!
Pick Your Entourage

It’s important for a night out clubbing in NYC that you have the right people around you. So, be sure to pick the ideal entourage. This means deciding on a group of people, not too big and not too small, for a night out that is postive and carefree.
You want to choose a group of people that know each other. Or, if you choose to invite a new friend into the group, be certain that they will fit in and get along with everyone who’s attending.
Don’t invite anyone who is negative, toxic, or practices unsafe behaviors that may affect the group. The point of the night is to have fun, not deal with unnecessary drama.
Eat Good

It’s so important to be sure to eat a good meal before you decide to go drinking and dancing while clubbing in NYC. NYC is all about late-nights, and a 99 cent slice of pizza on the LES is not going to tide you over until 4 AM. That’s why it’s best to eat a good meal before you head out for an all-nighter.
Host a small dinner party with the people going out. Or, to make it easier for yourself, choose a nice restaurant that’s not too far away from your apartment.
Definitely pick a place with options for everyone’s tastes. And, dishes that are nutritious but filling. Gastropubs are a great choice because they offer all types of dishes.
Or, you could choose a fun cuisine such as Mexican or sushi. Having a full stomach (but not too full) when you go out will keep you energized for the whole night. And, it will defintely help you to not get sick after a few drinks.
Pregame and Get Ready

The pregame can often be the best part of clubbing in NYC. That sounds a litte silly when you have this night entirely planned out to that peak NYC club experience. However, drinking, getting ready, and laughing with your friends is always a highlight of the night. Be sure to get all your gossip in during this time because when you get to the club, you won’t be able to hear each other over the music.
A good pregame is never rushed. In NYC, that’s not a hard standard to meet since no one goes out until 10 PM at the earliest.
If you are hosting the pregame, make sure you have drinks at the apartment for your guests. Consider making a fun cocktail to celebrate your night out, while also providing beer and wine for the traditionalists.
It’s never a bad idea to have light snacks available too, just in case the pregame is long and dinner is wearing off a little. Don’t let anyone leave hungry or sober…unless that’s a personal choice!
Club Rules and Safety

Unfortunately, on a fun night out, you must worry about being safe. NYC is a big city with a lot of different people. And, though we’d like to, we can’t trust everyone. Here are some ways to stay safe in the club…
- Stick With A Buddy- If you and your friends are at opposite ends of the club, how are you going to keep an eye on each other? Safety is the number one reason to go to a club with a group. Having that person by your side will help you to make the right choices and feel secure in your environment. Also, it’s a lot more fun!
- Don’t Leave Your Drink Unattended- If you need to use the restroom or you choose to dance on the floor, bring your drink with you or leave it in a friend’s hand. You never know what someone could slip into your drink when you’re not looking.
- Don’t Leave With A Stranger- Ok, so we are all familiar with one-night stands. And, hey, once in a while it’s ok. But, if you are out with a group of friends, it’s safest to stick with them rather than leave and go with someone else.
- Pack Light- Don’t bring your biggest purse to the club. And, never ever bring valuables that are not replacable. Unfortunately, personal possessions get stolen at NYC clubs all the time. And, you don’t want that to happen to you.
- Drink Water- Throughout the night, and definitely at the end of the night, it’s important to get your H2O in. You don’t want to be totally drunkenly stupid as you attempt to call an Uber. Having a sharper mind when you leave the club with help to ensure your safety.
Getting Home

The most important aspect of planning a night out clubbing in NYC is how you are getting home. Sticking with a buddy is always a good plan, especially if you plan on taking public transportation or walking home. If you are alone at the end of the night (which we hope you won’t be) plan on taking an uber or a cab home. NYC is no place to be out late at night alone. Stay safe and have fun!