Shopping for handbags can be quite the hassle, especially designer bags. When it comes to shopping for designer bags we have to keep in mind quality, price, style and so much more! This is especially true when it comes to buying a Prada bag because they have so many to choose from in different styles. Whether you want to try out the brand or need another Prada bag for your collection, you might need some tips.
Keep on reading if you want to learn how to pick the best Prada bag this year.
The Best Prada Bag Style

One thing you should consider when shopping for a Prada bag is the style. This is the most important part of shopping for a handbag because the style is what represents you and your overall taste. Also, the bag is going on your arm and will be one of the first things people look at outside from your outfit. Always think about the look you want the bag to have and if it correlates with you and your own fashion preferences.
Those who prefer a more casual everyday fashion sense should settle for simple and natural colored bags. When it comes to people with a more glamorous fashion sense you might want a bag that has a lot of designs on it and patterns.
All In The Details

Aside from the style this also brings us to our next point, the details. When we talk about the details of the bag, we mean the small details like the trimmings, color, patterns, fabric etc. These small details matter because they make up the bag, and are the parts that will either attract you to it or make you not want to buy it. Certain Prada bags can be casual and just simple, but others might have fun details to them for those who want attention-grabbing bags.
Another detail that is important is the material that the Prada bag is made of. Most people prefer bags made of real leather because they last long and look amazing on. Also, bags made with other materials such as Nylon might be more so in your preference.
Prada Bag Collection

One big shopping tip you might not know is that Prada has different handbag collections. These collections are divided to help shoppers look for bags based on style and shape, for example, the Cleo collection has small handbags with a type of rounded bottom. There are many collections within Prada such a Re-edition, Saffiano, Galleria, Duet, Identity, Tambour, and more. Shopping for a Prada bag keep in mind the style and take a look at the collections to see which one matches your personal taste.
Selena Gomez was recently photographed wearing a bag from the Prada Re-edition collection. While promoting her Hulu show Only Murders in The Building this week she wore the new Re-Edition 2000 Terry Mini-Bag for $1,050.
Watch Out For Pricing

Anytime we shop for high-end brands we know very well that pricing is a huge aspect. When shopping for a Prada bag you already know you are going to have to spend a lot of money! Most Prada bags are between $700-$4000 which is a lot of money so make sure you are keeping in mind your budget and how much you are willing to spend. Different tips are to find one you really want and then save up the money to buy it eventually!
At the end of the day shopping for luxury bags is an investment and they are bags you will be using for years.
Shopping For An Occassion

The final thing to think about when shopping for Prada bags is why you’re buying them. The reason behind buying it will also affect what type of bag you’re looking for and what style. If you are buying a bag for work you might settle on a simple, nude-colored bag that will go with your work attire and fit essentials in. On the other hand, if you want to shop for a bag that’s for going out, you will look for ones with fun colors and designs.
Always focus your shopping based on these tips because they will help make your decision easier.
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