Let’s hear it for naturally curly hair! Yea! Let’s hear it for how easy it is to take care of! <crickets>
We know. Everyone loves naturally curly hair, but it is not always the easiest thing to take care of. It can also be difficult to find cute ways to wear it because, well, it’s curly, right?
See Also: British Curlies about the Curly Girl Method.
Finding a cute hairstyle for curly hair doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. Check out our 11 easy to create hairstyles for curly hair that will make the other office girls jealous.
1. The Pineapple

The easiest, go-to style for curly hair. Pull your curls up into a very high ponytail and secure with an elastic band. Tug on the curls in the front to bring some down towards your forehead. Super easy and super cute.
2. The Double Ponytail

Give your ponytail super volume by using two of them. Make a small ponytail by pulling the hair from the front of your face and holding it in an elastic band near the top of your head. Now make your regular second ponytail and add the hair from the top ponytail to the bottom one.
3. The Messy Topknot

Similar to the Pineapple, pull your curls to the top of your head but don’t make the elastic band so tight. Let a few of the curls fall loose and don’t be afraid to shake your head to get the look you want.
4. The Half Bun

If you have short hair, gather the top half of your hair from just above your ears and the top of your head into a bun and secure with pins. This takes less than one minute to put together!
5. Side Swept Ponytail

Similar to Elsa from Frozen, this look is always elegant. Pull your hair to one side and secure it into a low ponytail using an elastic band. Add some bobby pins if the hair in the back won’t stay in place.
6. The Triple Bun

This is a great look for the office or every day, to be honest. Separate your hair into three equal sections. Turn each into a bun and keep them close together. With curly hair, this will almost look like one, very detailed updo.
7. The Wrap Up

You can do this with either the pineapple or the top knot. Simply add a bright or bold colored headscarf and tie up those curls. This comes off as both stylish and sassy!
8. Messy French Twist

This one is so easy you’ll be doing this day after day. Using your fingers, rake your curls back to about a mid-height ponytail. Twist the ends together, then twist the hair to your head into a French twist. Secure with pins. Don’t worry if some strands escape, it will look beautiful.
9. Pinned Back

Got some beautiful hairpins? Put them to use! Pull your curls back to one side, exposing your ear. Use those decorative hair pins to hold it in place.
10. The Silky Top
Wet the top of your head and apply some heavy gel and brush it smooth, but only on the top. Secure the top half into a ponytail, then collect the bottom half of your hair into a medium-high ponytail. Add the extra length from the top into the lower ponytail. Smooth on the top, but it’s a curly delight from the ears down.
11. Twisted Low Chignon

Separate your hair into 3 sections, two near the top for twisting and in a large back section for the ponytail. Make a low ponytail and secure with an elastic band. Twist alternating sections of the side hair, moving backward until you reach the ponytail. Secure the twists with bobby pins. After both twists are done, roll up the ponytail and both twisted sections into a chignon and secure with pins.